Weekend Workshop: Women's Essential Health

Saturday & Sunday, May 10 – 11

Saturday, May 10, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Breast Care for Everyone:

Learn a practice which promotes lymphatic drainage, strengthens the immune system, supports liver function, and promotes ease and freedom in the chest, lungs, upper back and shoulders. Men welcome!

The inversions will be included in this morning's practice (with easy substitutes for beginners) which help guard against osteoporosis of the spine, and supported backbends which support cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Saturday, May 10, 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Toward Padmasana:

Padmasana requires unusual flexibility in the hips, knees, and ankles. But because we spend most of our time sitting on chairs, we lose the agility that allows us to sit comfortably on the floor in the cross-legged poses.

To guard against stiffness and immobility we will practice the fundamental actions that promote the health of the hip joints.

Sunday, May 11
Osteopenia, and Osteoporosis:
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass, decreases.

9:00 – 11:00 am
Standing poses
(supported and unsupported), help build strong bones, ease pain, and encourage good posture. In addition, the standing one-legged poses, such as Vrksasana – Tree Pose, help minimize the risks of falls, and therefore, fractures.

12:30 – 2:30 pm
We will learn how to take extra care of the spine by using props to facilitate its extension in the forward bends, and in the (upright) extended spinal twists. We will also explore the poises that create space between the vertebrae (including Rope Sirsasana for the experienced), sitting poses, and reclining poses.

Iyengar Yoga Center Of Western Massachusetts
76 Maple Street
Parsons Block Building
Florence, MA 01062

Event webpage
In-studio registration link
Online registration link

china 1Celebrating The Power of Women with Iyengar Yogashala, China

Saturday, December 28, 7:00 – 9:00 pm (EST);
Sunday, December 29, 8:00 – 10:00 am (China Time);
Sunday, December 29, 5:30 – 7:30 am (IST);
Check your local time to attend the zoom session.

"The Power of Women" Yoga class series is designed by Iyengar Yogashala (previously known as Iyengar Yoga Institute of China) to celebrate Geetaji's 80th birthday and the 10th anniversary of her China Visit (2014 China-India Yoga Summit) and is dedicated to her unique contribution to yoga for women.

For that we invited two senior teachers who are also long time sincere students of Guruji and Geetaji, Rita Keller and Bobby Clennell to respectively give a classic class of Geetaji.

Bobby's class will be hosted in zoom

To join in, please contact books2@iyengar.cn

North East England Iyengar YogaWeekend Workshop at North-East England Iyengar Yoga

Saturday & Sunday, February 1 & 2

Saturday Feb 1, 10:30 am – 4:00 pm

Spinal Health: We will focus on poses that strengthen back muscles, help improve and maintain healthy movement, make space between the intervertebral discs and re-educate how the back is used. (Includes standing poses, twists, reclining poses and some simple inversions).
(½ hour break between sessions)
Spinal Health: Now open the dorsal spine, free the chest, and mobilize the shoulder joints. (Includes supported backbends).

Sunday Feb 2, 10:30 am – 2:30 pm

Repairing the nervous system:
This mentally calming and physically rejuvenating sequence teaches us to be in the asana longer and penetrate deeper. Students will use inversions, supine asana, supported back bends and forward bends to become familiar and more confident with a deeper level of internal practice.
(½ hour break between sessions)
Restorative/Pranayama: Bobby offers breathing practices that are soothing, settling and profound for all levels of practice. We will work progressively and learn the fundamentals of a safe, and secure practice.


Event location:
The Barnes Institute
East St, Whitburn, Sunderland SR6 7BY

Event details

Yogatree BristolWorkshop in Bristol, UK

Saturday, February 8, 2025

11:00 am – 1:30 pm
Toward Padmasana:
Because we sit mostly on chairs, we lose the agility that allows us to sit comfortably on the floor. To combat stiffness and immobility, come explore the actions that promote flexibility in the hips, knees and ankles, and move us closer to Padmasana.

For Teachers, trainees and more experienced students.

2:30 – 5:30 pm
Toward Hanomanasama:
We will elongate and release tension in the quadriceps, create suppleness and length in the hamstrings, and explore the relationship between the hamstrings, pelvis, spine, and heart.

For Teachers, trainees and more experienced students.

Yogatree Studio
Alexander Terrace
SN13 0BW

Registration Link TBA

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkYoga for High Blood Pressure

Three Part Series at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

Saturdays, November 30, December 7 & 14, 10:15 – 11:45 am

Blood pressure is the force of blood in the arteries as the heart beats and relaxes. Hypertension, or high blood pressure is caused by increased restriction in the cardiovascular (arteries, veins) system, and this causes strain on the heart.

In this series of three workshops, you will practice in a way that helps normalize elevated blood pressure, and maintains a healthy balance between the circulatory and nervous systems.

All Levels | In-Person/Hybrid
$75 Member / $90 Non-Member Series is recorded.
Members have access for 14 days.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 W 22nd Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Registration Link

Santosha Yoga Studio logoHybrid Drawing Yoga in Madison, New Jersey

Drawing Yoga

Sunday, December 8, 2 - 4:30 pm

Calling all students, teachers, artists and potential artists: Visual artist, animator, and yoga instructor Bobby Clennell will guide us as we make sketches of live models demonstrating yoga poses.

All levels. Online and in-person.

Santosha Yoga Studio
Jane Caulfield (Owner/Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher)
2 Green Village Road
Madison, NJ 07940
732 261 3159

Call 732-261-3159 to register or email janecaulfield@comcast.net

Drawing Yoga Holiday flyer

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkIn Geeta's Presence. Recorded class with Geeta Iyengar, plus Q&A.

Continuing Education

Saturday, December 14th, 2:00 – 5:00 pm

Come celebrate two birthdays in one: Geeta Iyengar's on 12/7, and BKS Iyengar's on 12/14, by taking a recorded class with Geeta Iyengar. Studying with Geeta was a very special experience, and we've picked one that we can practice along-to together. All CIYTs and aspiring Iyengar Yoga teachers with a designated mentor are welcome.

Followed by a Q&A with Tori, James and Bobby.

Level 2 & Up | In-Person

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 W 22nd Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Registration Link

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkAddressing Basic Women's Issues in Class

Continuing Education

Saturday, October 26th, 2 – 5 PM

From menses, to pregnancy, to menopause, and more; come learn effective and safe strategies for dealing with these students in your group classes without letting the situation derail you.

CITYs & Aspiring Teachers* | In-Person/Hybrid

*These Continuing Education Offerings are for Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers of All Levels as well as for Aspiring Teachers who are working with a CIYT Mentor.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 W 22nd Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Registration link

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkThe Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York presents: THE FLOOR GURU with Janet MacLeod

Sunday, October 27, 2:00 – 4:00 pm

All Levels. In-Person & Online/Hybrid.

Explore a variety of standing, seated, forward bends, inversions, and back-bending asanas by changing their relationship to the floor (and therefore gravity). Come and do familiar poses in unfamiliar ways, access a deeper understanding of the asana, and override habitual tendencies. Then, take that fresh perspective back into the classical asana and experience new dimensions in your practice.

This workshop is a benefit for the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 W 22nd Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011
212 691 9642

Recordings available for Members and Visiting Members.

Registration link

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkThe Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

The Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York is pleased to present Deep Dive Into the Yoga Sutras with Edwin Bryant

Mondays, Oct 7 – Dec 9, 12:00-2:00 pm

All Levels | Online

Edwin Bryant received his PhD in Indic languages and Cultures from Columbia University. He taught Hinduism at Harvard University for three years, and is presently the professor of Hinduism at Rutgers University. He has published eight books, and authored a number of articles on the earliest origins of the Vedic culture, yoga philosophy, and the Krishna tradition.

This online course will undertake a close reading of yoga as presented in the Yoga Sütras of Patanjali. Our reading of it will be informed by the commentaries made over the centuries prior to the colonial period. We will cover the most important sections and explore what yoga has meant in Indian traditions for the two millennia prior to arriving in the West.

10-Week Series: $215 Members / $255 Non-Members
Drop In: $25 Members / $30 Non-Members

Recordings available for members and visiting members, for single class or full series, and to non-members only if they purchase the series.

Registration link

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkWomen's Class Returns to the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

Women's Yoga

Beginning Friday, October 18, 8:30 – 10:15 am

The Women's Class is back! Starting on Friday October 18. The first session will take place at our current location — 227 W 13th Street. Subsequent classes will be held in our new (old) location at 150 W 22nd Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY.

Emphasis on postures specifically for the physical, physiological, and spiritual well-being of women.


Current location (through October 18):
Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

Starting October 19, all classes will take place at:
Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 W 22nd Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Registration link

Santosha Yoga Studio logoHybrid Yoga Workshop in Madison, New Jersey

Saturday, October 19

10:30 am – 12:30 pm:
Spinal Health. A healthy spine is key to the health of the whole body. Lifestyle bad habits can lead to a stiff or misaligned spine that adversely affects its healthy functioning.

Bobby will focus on poses that strengthen back muscles, help improve and maintain healthy movement, make space between the intervertebral discs and re-educate how the back is used.

(Includes standing poses, twists, reclining poses and some simple inversions).

2:00 – 4:00 pm:
Restorative/Pranayama. "When pranayama is understood in Savasana, the practitioner is ready to practice in the seated poses" —Prashant Iyengar.

To learn the fundamentals of a safe, and secure, seated pranayama practice, we will work progressively. We will prepare by first practicing some basic pranayama exercises in the supine poses that are soothing, settling and profound.

Bobby will then introduce the essentials of a seated pranayama practice.

Level 2 and up.

Santosha Yoga Studio
Jane Caulfield (Owner/Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher)
2 Green Village Road
Madison, NJ 07940
732 261 3159

Call 732-261-3159 to register or email janecaulfield@comcast.net

Recordings of sessions available to registered attendees for 30 days.

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkDrawing Yoga at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

Drawing Yoga

Sunday, September 8, 2-4 pm

Calling all students, teachers, artists, and potential artists: whether you are looking to improve your drawing skills, your powers of observation, or you want to illustrate your yoga notes, this workshop is for you. Visual artist, animator, and yoga instructor Bobby Clennell will guide us as we make sketches of live models demonstrating yoga poses.

All Levels. In-person only.

Bring your own drawing materials. Recommended: a large sketch pad, some soft pencils, and a pencil sharpener.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642


Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkThree Part Series at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

The Immune System

Mondays, August 12, 19, 26, 6:00 – 7:45 pm

Support the immune system with inversions (with step-by-step instructions for beginners) which use gravity to help stimulate the lymphatic system, and supported backbends which boost cardiovascular and respiratory health.

In-person/hybrid. Level 2 and up.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

series registration

samamkayaWeekend Workshop: Osteopenia and Osteoporosis, prevention and treatment

August 10 – 11

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that develops when bone mineral density and bone mass decreases. Come learn the actions that bear weight on the bones, mobilize the pelvis and send a fresh supply of blood to the joints.

Saturday, August 10, 2:00 – 4:30 pm: Standing poses (supported and unsupported) help build strong bones, and the standing one-legged poses (such as Vrksasana – Tree Pose) help minimize the risk of falls, and therefore fractures.

Sunday, August 11, 1:30 – 3:30 pm: we will learn how to take extra care of the spine by using props to keep it long in the forward bends, the (upright) extended spinal twists, and the reclining poses. We will also explore the poses that create space between the vertebrae: Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward Facing Dog Pose, (and for the experienced students), Rope Sirsasana.

General level. In-person/hybrid.

Samamkaya Yoga
Back Care & Scoliosis Collective

119 W 23rd Street, Ste # 406
New York, NY. 10011

Tel: 646 964 5772

registration links:
Full Weekend: $70*/$80
Saturday Only: $45*/$50
Sunday Only: $35*/$40
*Early Bird if registered by July 29

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkWorkshop at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

Toward Padmasana

Sunday, August 4, 2:00 – 3:45 pm

Toward Padmasana: Because we sit mostly on chairs, we lose the agility that allows us to sit comfortably on the floor. To combat stiffness and immobility, come explore the actions that promote flexibility in the hips, knees and ankles, and move us closer to Padmasana.

In-Person/Hybrid. Level 2 and up.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642


Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkThree-Week In-Person Series with Bobby Clennell

Beginners Series

Sunday, June 9, 16, 23, 1:00 – 2:15 pm

This progressive, 3-week series lays the foundation of Iyengar Yoga and presents the basic postures and actions you will be taught in Level 1/Beginners classes.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

series registration

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkWorkshop at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

Yoga for Digestive Issues

Sunday, May 12, 2:00 – 3:45 pm

Heartburn is a burning feeling in the chest caused by stomach acid travelling up towards the throat (acid reflux). If it keeps happening, it may be called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

In this workshop, we will learn how to control the symptoms of GERD, thereby avoiding the necessity of invasive procedures.

All Levels | In-Person/Hybrid

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642


Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkThree Part Menopause Series at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

The Phases of Menopause

Saturday May 4, 11 & 18, 2:00 – 3:30 pm

Menopause: Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, they have to be faced again at menopause. This workshop offers a focused practice that can transform it into a positive and meaningful experience.

This workshop is open to women of all ages and levels of yoga experience.

Saturday, May 4. Perimenopause is an 8 to10 year period during which there are hormonal changes that result in various emotional and physical symptoms. Maintaining a cyclically responsive practice is particularly important at this time as it provides a way of navigating possible disturbances to our cycle. Bobby will guide us through a practice that is responsive to our fluctuating hormones. Healing solutions will be offered for heavy and excessive menstrual flow, scanty flow, "break out bleeding", painful periods, and other problems.

Saturday, May 11. Menopause: The word menopause continues to provoke anxiety and confusion. Many women are even reluctant to even say the word. Some simply shrug-off this phase, and go into denial, when in- fact it is a critical period of adjustment. We will learn to navigate through this transition with a practice that calms the nerves, brings emotional balance and deals with hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, swelling in feet and ankles, and weight gain.

Saturday, May 18. Post-Menopause: May 18 th : Downplaying the impact of this change only serves to leave us stranded in lonely ignorance, when in fact, the changes brought about by menopause can be positive. We will explore the challenges and rewards of the post-menopausal phase. Once menopause is over, it is time to recover the sharpness of your yoga practice and to develop strength and endurance. In this class we also learn how to address sciatica pain, arthritis, stiffness, osteoporosis, weakness, loss of confidence and depression.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642


New Year's Workshop in Madison, New Jersey

Uplift Your Spirit with Bobby Clennell
Saturday, January 6th, in-person and virtual

10:30 am – 12:30 pm:
In this session we will free the chest, the upper back and the shoulders for peaceful emotions and a quiet mind.

2:00 – 4:00 pm:
Depression is a disease of the emotions and mind as well as the nervous and endocrine systems. This Active Restorative sequence helps us elevate our emotions, leads our mind to a lighter state and balances negative thoughts with positive.


Born and raised in London, Bobby completed a two-year graduate course in dress design at the London School of fashion, and then completed another two years in illustration and graphic design at St. Martins School of Art. She started a career in cartoon animation in 1973. 

That same year she discovered yoga and subsequently attended her first Iyengar yoga class. In 1975 she attended her first class with the Iyengars in Pune. Altogether she has been to Pune 30 times. Mr. Iyengar's teaching was profound and enduring. She was certified to teach yoga in 1977, and that same year, taught her first yoga class at the Covent Garden Community Center in London. She has been teaching at the NY Iyengar Yoga Institute since 1994.

To register contact JaneCaulfield@comcast.net or call 732 261 3159
In-person sessions $45 each
Virtual sessions $30 each

Recordings available for 30 days. All levels of students welcome. To respect our teachers valuable time, there are no refunds for workshops.

Santosha Yoga Studio
2 Green Village Road
Madison, NJ 07940
732 261 3159

Yoga Inverness

Weekend Hybrid Workshop in Inverness, Scotland

Friday, March 1 – Sunday, March 3

Friday, March 1, 6 – 8 pm
Developing Sensitivity in Asana: tuning into bones, joints, muscles, and skin. The standing poses build strength and endurance, and we gain vitality. They can also, if we work with awareness, help us develop an understanding of the skin, the largest organ of sense. It is when the skin is aligned with the organs of action - arms, legs, and spine - that we find ourselves most at ease.  Intermediate, experienced, teachers, and teacher trainees.

Saturday, March 3, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm; 2:00 – 4:30
Yoga for a Woman's Life: Using a wide range of yoga poses, Bobby will take us through the various phases of a woman's life, showing how to adapt our practice according to our age. Come prepared to be 5 years old! Can you remember yourself as a teenager? Even if you have never been pregnant, experience it now with some yoga for pregnancy poses. Postpartum? We will practice as if you had just given birth. Are you under the impression that menopause will never happen? Get a taste of a menopause practice with some carefully selected poses, and the same with post-menopause. Practice being elderly – it's not so bad! – with some of the poses I used to watch Guruji do in his later years. General Level.

Sunday, February 26, 9:30 am – 12:30pm
Active forward bends: These forward bends are energizing, bring relief from anxiety and create much space in the lumbar spine. General Level.

Sunday, February 26, 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Toward Mulabandhasana: Mulabandhasana: "A posture where the body from the anus to the navel is contracted and lifted up and toward the spine" — BKS Iyengar: Light on Yoga.
 Mulabandasana mobilizes the hips, ankles, knees, and toes.  General Level


Registration link

the Iyengar Yoga Studio logoWeekend Workshop in London

Saturday, February 24 – Sunday, February 25

We are very happy to be welcoming Bobby back to the studio for a weekend of yoga in February 2024. She will be conducting a two-day workshop in which students of all levels are welcome. The theme of the weekend is 'the mid-line'. Bobby will lead an exploration through asana of the central axis that runs through every part of the body: head, torso, pelvis and limbs.

Places are limited to 20 per session. Priority will be given to Studio members. We recommend that you attend both days, but booking for one session is allowed.

Iyengar Yoga Studio, East Finchley
The Iyengar Yoga Studio
Yoga House
Leicester Road
East Finchley, London N2 9EA

Registration Links:

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkBeginner's Series at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, NY

Saturday October 14, 21 & 28, 10:15 – 11:30 am

This progressive, 3-week series lays the foundation of Iyengar Yoga and presents the basic postures and actions you will be taught in Level 1/Beginner's classes.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

ameliaThree Special Classes for Iyengar Yoga Center of Central Singapore, Singapore. In-Studio and Online

Sitting/Forward Extensions/Side Stretch
Saturday, September 16, 9:00 - 10:30 pm (EST)
Sunday, September 17, 0900 - 1030 (Singapore)

Tuesday, September 26, 7:30 - 9.00 am (EST)
Tuesday, September 26, 1930 - 2100 (Singapore)

Thursday, September 28, 7:30 - 9:00 am (EST)
Thursday, September 28, 1930 - 2100 (Singapore)

General Level. Attend in-studio or online; Bobby will teach remotely.

Iyengar Yoga Center of Central Singapore
25A Bukit Pasoh Rd
Singapore 089839
+65 97214603


Register: WhatsApp: +65 9721 4603

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkWorkshop  at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

Mobilize the hips and reduce low back strain

Sunday October 1, 2:00 – 3:45 pm

Because we spend most of our time sitting on chairs, our hips can become stiff, and our lower back can become prone to either weakness or immobility. We will explore a practice that promotes healthy hip movement, reduces strain on the lumbar, and improves overall posture.

All Levels | In-Person/Hybrid

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011
212 691 9642

register at: iyengarnyc.org

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkSeries of seven talks on the Bhagavad Gita

Saturdays, 10:15 am EDT

The Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York is pleased to present world renowned expert on Vedic studies, Graham Schweig, Ph.D., Director of Studies in Religion at Christopher Newport University, Virginia. A respected author and translator, Graham has published over 100 articles and books.

In each session, Graham will take us through 3 chapters of his acclaimed translation of the Bhagavad Gita, and make this beautiful and complex text accessible to all. The seventh session is for Q&A.

Watch the first talk on Saturday 9/16 online from home only. Subsequent talks may also be viewed at the NY Institute (as well as from home).

9/16: Session 1 | The Yoga of Despair

10/7: Session 2 | The Embrace of the Divine

11/14: Session 3 | Krishna says, "Be a Yogi"

12/2: Session 4 | Arjuna's Loving Heart

1/6: Session 5 | Yoga as the Return Embrace

2/3: Session 6 | The Greatest Secret of All

3/2: Session 7 | Any Questions, Sincere Responses

All Levels | Online

$25 Members / $28 Non-Members
Sessions will be recorded. Members will have access for 14 days.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642
register at: iyengarnyc.org

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkSaturday Series at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, NY

The Elements

September 9, 16 & 23. 2:00–3:30 pm

According to the principles of yoga the universe is made up of five subtle elements – earth, water, air, fire, and space. Every human being is a unique manifestation of these qualities of nature.

Understanding and "managing" the five elements is a strong requisite for yogic culturing. Through the practice of asana, we explore the characteristics of the elemental forces within, bring nature under control, and transform our individual consciousness.

All Levels | In-Person/Hybrid

Sept 9: Earth. Learn to work with the muscles and bones (standing poses); and activate the water element (forward bends) to hydrate and nurture the energy body (internal organs, lungs, heart).

Sept 16: Fire. Practice the backbends to energize, and stimulate creativity.

Sept 23: Air. Expands and opens, and Space connects us to the universal spirit:
Restorative/Inversions and pranayama.

3-Week In-Person Series: $65 Members / $80 Non-Members
Sessions will be recorded. Members will have access for 14 days.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

click here to register

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkSaturday Series at the Iyengar Yoga Institute, New York

The Midline

August 12 & 19. 10:15 - 11:45 am

Through every part of the body; the torso, the limbs, the head, and the pelvis, runs a midline. We will develop our asana practice with a precise and focused awareness, by navigating along this central axis.

All Levels | In-Person/Hybrid

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011
212 691 9642

Price for this 2-Week Series: $50 Members / $60 Non-Members
Sessions will be recorded. Members will have access for 14 days.
Reg link: bit.ly/3KaSIGA

samamkayaWeekend Workshops: Three hybrid sessions

Saturday, July 15 – Sunday, July 16

A healthy spine is key to the health of the whole body. Lifestyle bad habits can lead to a stiff or misaligned spine that adversely affects its healthy functioning. Bobby will focus on poses that strengthen back muscles, help improve and maintain healthy movement, make space between the intervertebral discs, and re-educate how the back is used.

Saturday, July 15, 2:30 – 5:00 pm: A Sensitive Spine: When we learn safe and supportive strategies to restore and rest the spine, we learn how to reduce discomfort and improve its function.

Sunday, July 16, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm: Strengthening the spine: In this session, we will include some of the lateral standing poses (facing both toward and away from the wall). Not only do these poses improve the function of the muscles that run alongside the spine, they boost your support system – your legs - that hold up the spine.

Sunday, July 16, 1:30 – 4:00 pm: To elongate, and create traction and mobility in the back, we will practice a combination of Twists, and Seated Poses.

Samamkaya Yoga
Back Care & Scoliosis Collective

119 W 23rd Street, Ste # 406
New York, NY. 10011
Tel: 646 964 5772

Register for full weekend

Register for 2 sessions

Register for single session (drop in)

Yogathon 2023

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York Yogathon

Sunday, June 4
10:00am Strong and Steady Online Class with Bobby Clennell and Joan White

Senior teachers Joan White and Bobby Clennell will take us through a series of asanas that build strength, endurance, confidence, and balance. Using familiar asanas from simple standings to more complex standings as well as a variety of other asanas we will move toward poise, steadiness, and mental clarity.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011
212 691 9642

Visit iyengarnyc.org to register. You can also make a donation at the same web address.

Your donation supports our mission to:

  • To inspire and enable progressive lifelong learning and practice in the art, science, and philosophy of Iyengar Yoga
  • To develop, nurture, and offer teaching of the highest standards
  • To build and support a community of practitioners within the three-state region of our charter

Your donation also supports:

  • our dedicated center in the West Village connecting students and teachers with the opportunity to deepen and continue their studies through our programming.
  • our ability to provide scholarships.
  • our free offerings for our community including Breast Health, Community Class, HIV, and People of Color

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York Yogathon

Yogathon 2023

Sunday, June 4
Yoga Spa, 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Come and join us at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York for our annual fundraiser, our Yogathon.

Bobby Clennell, Michelle LaRue, Mimi Visser, and Ulpa Sakhardande, will be presiding over something a little different this year. From 2.00 – 4.00 pm, while the main body of the Yogathon is in full force, we will be running a "yoga spa" in the far corner of lotus room, props at the ready.

Come and work with our team who will guide you into one or two (or three?) completely supported poses. A few poses will be for "toning", and therefore will be a little energetic (but nevertheless, completely supported). Most poses will be completely restorative. You get to choose, but we can advise.

Come and learn how to calm, relax, and refresh yourself. All are welcome. Introduce your friends and family to Iyengar Yoga!

There is no cost, or registration.

To donate: iyengarnyc.org. Or simply donate on the day.

Look out for our spa "menu" which will be posted here later this week.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011
212 691 9642

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkIyengar Yoga Institute, 3-part Saturday Series: The Bandhas

June 3, 10 & 17

The ancient yogis recognized that there were subtle energy channels in the body, and that at certain points the energy tends to flow outward. In these three workshops, we will learn how to engage the three bandhas (translated as "locks"): Mula Bhanda, Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha, and draw that energy back inward.

June 3, 2:15 – 3:45 pm
Among other effects, Mulabandhasana helps mobilize hips, ankles, knees, and toes. Mula Bandha (Root/Pelvic Lock): Engages the pelvis muscles, creates a solid foundation for the spine, taps into the Root Chakra (Muladhara) and helps us feel grounded.

June 10, 2:15 – 3:45 pm
Uddiyana Bandha:
Traditionally, the bandhas were practiced during pranayama and muscles associated with each bandha region were held intensely during breath retention. But in recent years, there's been a shift toward teaching the bandhas during asana, and with less intensity. The Uddiyanic touch and influence is paramount. So, part of our asana practice must show how the asanas share a lineage with pranayama as well as preparing us for pranayama.

This session includes a mix of postures and pranayama. Uddiyana Bandha (Diaphragm Lock) engages the abdominal muscles, fires up the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipur), stimulates blood circulation and improves digestion.

June 17, 2:15 – 3:45 pm
Jalandhara Bandha (Neck/Chin Lock):
 Works directly with vocal diaphragm to help promote ujjayi breath, lengthens the cervical spine, and calms the mind. Inversions. Reclining and seated pranayama.

Level 2 and up. $65 Member / $80 Non-Member Sessions will be recorded. Members will have access for 14 days.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Register here

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkExploring Together: RIMYI Guidelines Level 1 & 2 Syllabi with Bobby Clennell & James Murphy

Sat, Apr 22 | 2:00-4:30pm
In-Person & Online / Hybrid

Bobby Clennell and James Murphy, who both studied directly and continuously with B.K.S. Iyengar, and Geeta Iyengar as well as Mary Dunn, will begin to unpack these new syllabi. In this workshop, we will encourage group participation and interaction. Together, we will share knowledge, deepen our understanding and appreciation for the postures, and hone our teaching skill sets. We will explore how to help students progress through some of the more dynamic asana on the new syllabi and learn ways to recognize students' abilities as well as limitations, and apply simple adaptations. In-person attendees will also practice hands-on adjustments.

These workshops are free of charge for CIYT's and Aspiring Teachers and have a suggested donation of $50 each.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Register here

Yoga Shala BoulderOnline workshop with Yoga Shala, Boulder

Saturday, May 13, 11:00 am — 1:30 pm EST (9:00–11:30 MT)

Backbends: Backbends open us up and lift our mood. They stimulate the adrenals and help us deal with low energy and feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and depression. Holding patterns, however, can often prevent us from stretching the entire length of the front body, or connecting to the intricacies of the back (for some this may mean being unable to push up into Urdhva Dhanurasana). This workshop will be made accessible to all by using props to help provide the gradual support necessary to fully lift the chest and open our internal space. General Level

Yoga Shala

Register here

Weekend Workshop online and in-studio, Northeast Florida

Friday, June 23 — Sunday, June 25

Bobby has been a direct student of B.K.S. Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar for over 45 years and is a senior faculty member at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. She is the author and illustrator of three books, The Women's Book, Watch Me Do Yoga and Yoga for Breast Care. Bobby's teaching style is strong, energetic, precise and kind. She returns for her 6th visit to Amelia Island to teach.

Friday, June 23, 5:30-7:30 pm EST: Inversions:
A regular inversions practice helps us cultivate insight, develop mental discipline, and widens our spiritual horizons. These challenging but rewarding poses also help us develop poise and strength (particularly in the neck, spine, and arms). In this class, we will learn the principles of alignment needed to sustain a safe and secure inversions practice. Teachers, teacher-trainees, and intermediate students.

Saturday, June 24, 2:00 - 5:00 pm EST: Dynamic Standing Poses with a Chair
Standing poses are the building blocks of a yoga asana practice. They represent our ability to be grounded, and to stand on our own two feet. They build strength and endurance and develop the qualities of earth: solidity, shape, firmness, and stability. Working with a chair enablesmus to us hold the pose, while we build balance and stability, and tune into our bones, joints, and muscles. General level.

Sunday, June 25, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST: Eka Pada Rajakapotasa I & II:
The hips are the central hub of movement in the body. They can get very tight in the course of an adult life of sitting, driving, maybe walking a bit, and then sitting some more. When the thigh and buttock muscles are tight, the reduced range of motion can create discomfort and reduce circulation through the pelvic organs. Eka Pada Rajakapotasa I & II gets us deep into the muscles that connect the legs and hips. We will use props to work systematically and carefully through the layers of tension holding patterns of the lower spine and pelvis. Teachers, trainee teachers and intermediate students.

Sunday, June 25, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST: Forward Bends and Twists:
The twists are energizing and warming. The forward bends are calming and cooling, bring relief from anxiety, and help the distracted mind unwind. When we combine Forward Bends and Twists, we discover a quiet, stable, and focused frame of mind. General level.

Sunday, June 25 pm: 3:00 – 5:00 pm EST: Restorative Asana and Pranayama:
The scriptures say, "The regulation of the breath brings all happiness, material and spiritual, from the acquisition of kingdoms to supreme bliss. Therefore, O Rama, study the science of the breath!" Bobby offers breathing practices that are soothing, settling, and profound. This pranayama class is suitable for students new to the Iyengar method of pranayama as well as the on-going practitioner. We will work progressively and learn the fundamentals of a safe, secure, and profound practice. General level.

Community Yoga + Wellness
210 Beech Street
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Tel: 904 613 6345

To register: cyoga-amelia.com

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkBobby's 80th Birthday Celebration

Sunday, March 26, 2:00 - 3:45 pm. In-Person & Online

Supported Backbends

Bobby Clennell teaches a special workshop to celebrate her 80th birthday and to benefit the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York.

Backbends open us up and lift our mood. They boost energy, energize the nervous system, and give us confidence and courage. This workshop will be accessible to all through the use of props which will provide the support necessary to expand the chest, allowing our internal subjective space to open. Depending on strength and experience, we will push-up into an unsupported backbend (Urdhva Dhanurasana) toward the end of the session.
All Levels

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
227 W 13th Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

In-Person: $30 Member / $40 Non-Member
Online: $25 Member / $35 Non-Member
Sessions will be recorded. Members will have access for 14 days.

Register here

North East England Iyengar YogaIn-Person Workshop in North-East England Iyengar Yoga

Friday & Saturday, March 17 & 18

Friday, March 17, 6:30 - 8:30 pm: Toward Mulabandhasana: Mulabandhasana activates the root chakra, the Muladhara, which is the foundation of the physical structure and the energy body. It represents the center of instincts, stability of mind and body, survival, and self-sufficiency. This pose tones the digestive and reproductive organs and mobilizes hips, knees, ankles, and toes (Seated hip openers). Teachers, trainee teachers and experienced students

Saturday, March 18, 9:30 am - 12:00 pm: Side Stretch: You Are as Vital, and Vibrant as Your Spine is Flexible. Dispel mental tension and elevate your emotion with the side stretch poses. First, we will lengthen the torso along the sides. Then using the arms, legs, and spine to support the trunk we will combine the lateral spinal extensions with spinal rotations. (Standing Poses, and seated poses). General Level

Saturday, March 18, 12:30 - 2:30 pm: Active Restorative sequence: This active restorative sequence helps us elevate our emotions, leads our mind to a lighter state and balances negative thoughts with positive. (Includes supported back-bends).  General Level

North East England Iyengar member group


Venue TBA. Reserve your place with nick23johnson@gmail.com

yoga inverness

Hybrid Weekend Workshop in Inverness, Scotland

Friday, February 24 — Sunday, February 26; in-person and online

Friday, February 24 6 – 9pm (GMT) Hanumanasana benefits the body by opening and elongating the quadriceps and front hip flexors, and lengthening and releasing tension in the hamstrings. We will work in a way that supports the delicate structure of the lower back and sacroiliac joints and find a subtle lift through the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles (engaging Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha).

Energetically, Hanomanasana is stimulating and energizing. It opens the heart chakra (Anahata chakra), the seat of peace, harmony, and compassion. Iyengar Yoga teachers, and teachers in training. Intermediate and experienced students

Saturday, February 25, 10:00 am – 12:30pm (GMT): Standing Poses build strength and endurance, giving us a good foundation for all of the other asanas. Wrist and ankle work will be covered in this practice. General Level
Saturday, February 25, 3:00 – 5:00 pm (GMT): Twists and Forward Bends: Exploring one of the four basic principles of asana: Fixity and flow: We will learn how to differentiate between our fixed intelligence - that which is stable, unmoving, and held firm; and our fluid intelligence - that which is flowing, moving, and extending. General Level

Sunday, February 26, 9:30 am – 12:00pm (GMT): Backbends: Here's a way to radically rethink your backbends; sometimes referred to as baby backbends — Salabasana, Dhanurasana, Ustrasana: set the foundation for the deeper backbends. Rather than searching for intensity, we will work with awareness and search for a smooth, even arc in the spine... General Level
Sunday, February 26, 1:30 – 3:30 pm (GMT): Restorative yoga & pranayama: Pranayama is healing at the most fundamental level; by manipulating the breath we tap into pranic energy, harnessing it, and channeling it for greater health, strength and vitality. General level.

Mobile +44 (0) 7761628949


To book please visit yogainverness.co.uk

Midlands Counties Iyengar Yoga groupIn-Person Workshop at Midland Counties Iyengar Yoga Group in Worcestershire, UK

Friday, February 10 — Sunday, February 12

Friday, February 10: The Chakras
Ancient Vedic texts tell us that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions: the physical body and the psychological, emotional, and mental bodies, or the subtle body. The subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass, and they mutually affect each other. The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) which are connected by nodes (knots) of psychic energy called chakra.

The chakras are the central focus of the ethereal energies. They are arranged vertically along the spinal column from its base to up between the eyebrows, extending to the different glands and organs they are associated with.

A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like powerhouse of psychic energy vibrating at different rates. These differences of vibration reflect a person's psycho-spiritual condition.

Although meditation (along with pranayama, bandhas, mudras, sound forms and in some cases deities and colors) is a good way to get access to the chakras, through asana, you can also very effectively influence the effectiveness of the chakras.

10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Standing Poses: Proper stimulation of the first chakra, the root chakra: Muladhara, eases all lower extremity diseases, including those in the legs and feet. Squeeze the tailbone in and channel energy up the spine, away from the chakra (too much energy in a chakra can be just as unhealthy and even dangerous as too little energy). Hip openers: Similarly, in order to have access to the second chakra, which is associated with the testicles and ovaries, Svadhisthana, work in the pelvic region. This chakra governs your emotions, your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression.
1:00 – 3:00 pm: Back bends (supported and unsupported): To release stress, and to develop courage, stimulate the third and fourth chakras by practicing the back bends. Manipura Chakra at the solar plexus, when properly balanced ameliorated fear. Situated right between the two breasts (and close to the heart) sits the Anahatra Chakra, symbol of selflessness, empathy, devotion, and the concept of giving and receiving love. Anahata is also related to the thymus gland, located in the chest, and part of the immune system as well as being part of the endocrine system.
4:00 – 6:00 pm: Restorative Poses: Inversions (supported & unsupported) and Seated Forward Extensions: When the fifth chakra at the throat center, Vishudha, is properly awakened and balanced, diseases in the immune system, neurological system, throat and upper bronchial's are relieved. Psychosomatic diseases, throat cancer and illnesses resulting from suppression of the self can be treated by either calming or activating this chakra. The sixth chakra, Ajna, located between the eyes, stimulates the pituitary gland. In addition, it boosts the immune system, enhances creative visualization, and is linked to the spiritual and soul bodies.

General level: open to all levels, and all students and methods of yoga. Come with an open mind, and be prepared to explore the Chakras via Iyengar Yoga!

Saturday, February 11
9:00 – 11:30 am: Active Forward Bends: These forward bends are energizing, bring relief from anxiety and create much space in the lumbar spine.
2:00 – 4:30 pm: Support the immune system with inversions (with easy substitutes for beginners) which use gravity to help stimulate the lymphatic system, and supported backbends which support cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Suitable for all levels and abilities.

Sunday, Feb 12: Women's Day
Bobby presents a yoga day devoted entirely to women approaching, or going through Menopause. Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, you have to face them again when it comes to an end. You will learn to navigate through these transitions with practices that calm the nerves and bring emotional balance, enhance the functioning of the endocrine system, and boost the immune system. We will also explore the challenges and rewards of the post-menopausal phase.
9:00 – 11:30 am
1:30 – 4:00 pm

Suitable for all levels and abilities

Midland Counties Iyengar Yoga Group
Worcestershire. UK.
Tel: 01684 560253 / 07743 928 784

Register at mciy.org.uk

the Iyengar Yoga Studio logoIn-Person Workshop in London

Sunday, January 22, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, 2:30 - 4:30 pm


"It was the greatest leap ever taken. The speed of Hanuman's jump pulled blossoms and flowers into the air after him and they fell like little stars on the waving treetops. The animals on the beach had never seen such a thing; they cheered Hanuman, then the air burned from his passage, and red clouds flamed over the sky" (Ramayana, retold by William Buck).

This pose then, in which the legs are split forward and back, mimics Hanuman's famous leap from the southern tip of India to the island of Sri Lanka. Hanumanasana benefits the body by opening and elongating the quadriceps and front hip flexors, and lengthening and releasing tension in the hamstrings. 

We will work in a way that supports the delicate structure of the lower back and sacroiliac joints and find a subtle lift through the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles (engaging Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha). 

Energetically, Hanomanasana is stimulating and energizing. It opens the heart chakra (Anahata chakra), the seat of peace, harmony, and compassion.

Poses: Standing forward bends, Virabadrasana 1; Supta Virasana; and more, and to complete the practice, Sirsasana and Sarvangasana.

Intermediate and experienced students, Iyengar Yoga teachers, and teachers in training. 


Iyengar Yoga Studio, East Finchley
The Iyengar Yoga Studio
Yoga House
Leicester Road
East Finchley, London N2 9EA

(studio) 02088151918

Workshops in Madison, New Jersey

Saturday, November 12; in-person and live streaming

9:30 am – 12:00 noon:
Backbends stimulate the adrenals and help us deal with low energy, and feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and depression. In addition, they energize the nervous system, boost circulation, and give us courage. Holding-patterns however, can often prevent us from stretching the entire length of the front body, or connecting to the mysterious intricacies of the back. In this workshop, we will learn how to make Urdhva Dhanurasana accessible through modifications, and intelligent use of props. All levels. In-person $65; livestreaming $50.

2:00 – 4:00 pm:
Restorative-Asana and Pranayama. A restorative practice teaches us to hold poses longer, and therefore experience them more fully. In this workshop, students will use inversions, supine poses, forward bends and supported back bends to become familiar and more confident with a deeper level of relaxation. This mentally calming and physically rejuvenating restorative sequence forms the basis for breathing practices that are soothing, settling, and profound. All Levels. In-person $45; livestreaming $30.

Santosha Yoga Studio
2 Green Village Road, #300
Madison, NJ 07940

Call or email to register:
732 261 3159
Recordings of the workshops will be available to participants.

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkSummer class substitutions at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York

Saturdays, August 6, 13, 20 and 27, 8:15 – 10:00 am

Bobby is subbing for James Murphy on Saturday mornings this summer at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. Level 3. Hybrid: Online & In-Person Classes. Recordings available for members.

Sunday, August 7, 10:15 am – 12:00 noon

Bobby is subbing for Tori Milner, also at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. Level 3. Hybrid: Online & In-Person Classes. Recording available for members.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York
227 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor, in the historic building that houses the Integral Yoga Institute of New York.

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkWorkshop Series with Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

The Chakras: Saturdays, July 9, 16 & 23

chakras flyer

Come and Explore the Chakras with me at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. Learn about them in my upcoming series on Saturdays 10:15 to 11:45am on July 9, 16 and 23. Tune in from home or join me at 227 West 13th Street. Series will be recorded and available for 14 days.

The Chakras: Ancient Vedic texts tell us that human life exists simultaneously in two parallel dimensions, the "physical body" and the "psychological, emotional, and mental bodies", or the "subtle body". The subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass, and they mutually affect each other. The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy called chakra.

The six major chakras are the central focus of the ethereal energies. Focused vertically along the spinal column from its base to between the eyebrows, they extend to the nearby glands and organs.

Whirling, vortex-like powerhouses of psychic energy vibrating at different rates, Chakras also reflect a person's psycho-spiritual condition.

Meditation, along with pranayama, bandhas, mudras, sound forms (and in some cases deities and colors) is a good way to gain access the chakras. In this series of three workshops, we will influence their effectiveness through asana.

Saturday, July 9, 10:15–11:45 am:

Standings Poses: Proper stimulation of the first chakra, the Muladhara, eases all lower extremity diseases, including those in the legs and feet. Squeeze the tailbone in and channel energy up the spine, away from the chakra (too much energy in a chakra can be just as unhealthy and even dangerous as too little energy). Hip openers: Similarly, in order to have access to the second chakra, the Svadhisthana, which is associated with the testicles and ovaries, we will work to create space in the pelvic region. This chakra governs your emotions, your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self-expression.

Saturday, July 16, 10:15–11:45 am:

Back bends (supported and unsupported): To release stress, and to develop courage, stimulate the third and fourth chakras by practicing back-bends. Manipura Chakra spins in the area around the abdomen above the navel, up toward the breastbone. It provides a source of personal power, and relates to self-esteem, warrior energy and the power of transformation. Situated right between the breasts (and close to the heart) sits the Anahata, symbol of selflessness, empathy, devotion, and the concept of giving and receiving love. The astral, emotional, and spiritual bodies are connected to this chakra. It is related to the thymus gland, located in the chest, and is part of the immune system.

Saturday, July 23, 10:15–11:45 am:

Restorative Poses: Inversions (supported & unsupported) and Seated Forward Extensions: When the fifth chakra at the throat center, the Vishuddi, is properly awakened, diseases in the immune, endocrine, and neurological systems, and also the upper bronchials, are relieved. Psychosomatic diseases, throat cancer and illnesses resulting from suppression of the self can be treated by gaining access to this chakra. The sixth chakra, Ajna, located between the eyes, stimulates the pituitary gland, immune system, and creative visualization. This chakra is also linked to the spiritual and soul bodies.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York
227 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor, in the historic building that houses the Integral Yoga Institute of New York.

Register at bit.ly/3xT8E9m

Yogamala and Yoga Journal China present an online, all day convention for International Yoga Day

June 21: I kick off at 7:30 - 9:00 am (Beijing time), with Preparing for Pregnancy. I will teach in English, and it will be simultaneously translated into Mandarin. There will be many other international Senior teachers in the lineup.

The time before pregnancy is as important as pregnancy itself. During this period, yoga can improve the chances of conceiving, and help a woman's body cope with the demands of pregnancy and labor to come.

We will learn how a cyclically responsive menstrual practice helps optimize reproductive health, maximizes physical and mental wellbeing, and boosts fertility. I will teach poses that develop physical stability, improve hormonal balance, and make space in the pelvis.

Registration: yogamala.cn/index/video/info/id/170

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkFree Hybrid Online/In Person Members' Class taught by Bobby Clennell, Brooke Meyers and Hector Martinez

Calling all members of the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York
Saturday, May 28, 10:15 – 11:30 am

Join Bobby, Brooke and Hector for this class, especially for members, and connect to one another and build community.
Members Only No Charge

Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York
227 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor, in the historic building that houses the Integral Yoga Institute of New York.

Register at: bit.ly/3w8SS9v

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkIn-Person/Online Workshop with Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

Immune Support
Sunday, May 12, 2:00 – 3:45

Support your immune system with inversions (with substitutes for beginners) which use gravity to help stimulate the lymphatic system, and support backbends for cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York
227 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor, in the historic building that houses the Integral Yoga Institute of New York.

In-Person: $30 Member / $40 Non-Member
Online: $25 Member / $35 Non-Member

Register at: bit.ly/39p3rhb

Weekend Workshop online and in-studio, Northeast Florida

Friday, June 10 — Sunday, June 12

Asana as Healer

Bobby has been a direct student of B.K.S. Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar for over 45 years and is a senior faculty member at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. She is the author and illustrator of three books, The Women's Book, Watch Me Do Yoga and Yoga for Breast Care. Bobby's teaching style is strong, energetic, precise and kind. She returns for her 5th visit to Amelia Island to teach.

Friday, June 10, 5:30 - 7:30 pm: Developing Sensitivity: Skin. The standing poses develop strength and endurance and give a good foundation for health. We will be working with one of the biggest organs – the skin. All levels. $50 Studio/$25 Online

Saturday, June 11, 10:00am - 12:00 pm: Active Forward Extensions. Forward extensions energetically bring relief from anxiety and create space in the spine. All levels. $50 Studio/$25 Online

Saturday, June 11, 2:00 - 5:00 pm: Twists. Twists are energizing, warming and nourishing. Learn to work from the back body to kindle the element of heat. Intermediate. $70 Studio/$35 Online

Sunday, June 12, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm: Support the immune system: This class will help stimulate the lymphatic system with poses to help support cardiovascular and respiratory health. All levels. $70 Studio/$35 Online

$220 entire Weekend STUDIO / $120 entire Weeked ONLINE

Community Yoga + Wellness
210 Beech Street
Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Tel: 904 613 6345

Register at: cyoga-amelia.com

samamkayaWeekend Workshops

Saturday, May 21, 2:30 – 5:30 pm

HIP OPENERS FOR WOMEN: By cultivating mobility in the hips, groins, and lower back we free the energy locked in the pelvis and create health in the pelvic organs. We will learn how healthy and mobile hip joints influence the hormone system.

Sunday, May 22, 2:30 – 5:30 pm

SPINAL HEALTH: A healthy spine is key to the health of the whole body. In this workshop Bobby will focus on poses that strengthen the back muscles, help improve and maintain healthy movement, and re-educate how the back is used.

Samamkaya Yoga
Back Care & Scoliosis Collective

119 W 23rd Street, Ste # 406
New York, NY 10011

Register at www.samamkayabackcare.com
Tel: 646 964 5772

Yoga Class to Benefit Ukraine

Wednesday, April 13, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

£10 (additional donations welcome)
All proceeds will go to DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal | Disasters Emergency Committee

Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher, Bobby Clennell, author of The Woman's Yoga Book, Yoga for Breast Care and Watch Me Do Yoga is teaching a special class to benefit the people of Ukraine.

All are welcome. Bobby will be teaching a level I, beginer's Iyengar Yoga class.*

Newton Manor Hall
170 High Street
Swanage BH19 2PF

Newton Manor Hall – entrance is in the High 170 High Street Street; a single solid gate Swanage in high wall virtually opposite Cow Lane

*We only have 8 mats, so if you have a mat (or more if you have some to share), please bring it.

the Iyengar Yoga Studio logoWorkshop in London

Sunday, March 20, 2:00 - 5:00 pm

Bobby will be teaching in person and is looking forward to greeting old friends and new, especially those who haven't been to a yoga class for a while. The session will focus on the neck, shoulders and upper back.

Places are limited to 15 (TBC) and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Iyengar Yoga Studio, East Finchley
The Iyengar Yoga Studio
Yoga House
Leicester Road
East Finchley, London N2 9EA

£45. Please use the following link to book and pay. registration link

Online Workshop with Edinburgh Iyengar Yoga Centre

Saturday, March 12 – Sunday, March 13

Saturday March 12, 4:00 – 6:00 pm GMT (11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST): Opening the hips: Because we spend most of our time sitting on chairs, we lose the agility that allows us to sit comfortably on the floor in the cross-legged poses. Women in particular loose movement in the hip sockets. To guard against stiffness and immobility we will practice the fundamental actions that promote the health of the hip joints. Hip openers are crucial. They improve your range of motion which promotes circulation in the pelvis, and frees up the lower back, which alleviates back pain. In addition, they tone the digestive and reproductive organs.

Sunday March 13, 4:00 – 6:00 pm GMT (11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST): Boosting the immune system: In this workshop we will support the immune system with inversions, which use gravity to help stimulate the lymphatic system, supported backbends which support cardiovascular and respiratory health, and breathing exercises which stimulate the immune system and improve respiratory health. When practiced regularly, this sequence can help us build strong defenses against disease and ill health.

General all levels. Those who cannot stay in an asana for the specified duration may practice with the support of props, and/or be given alternatives.

Edinburg Iyengar Yoga Centre
+44 (0)131229 6000

Use the following links to register for each session individually:

Opening the Hips: Saturday March 12, 4:00 – 6:00 pm GMT (11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST) registration link*

Boosting the Immune System: Sunday March 13, 4:00 – 6:00 pm GMT (11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST) registration link*

* Instructions for registering:
  1. Choose the link above for your selected session
  2. You will see Booking Options on the right hand side
  3. Click on Login or Register to book
  4. If you are already a member, please log in. If you are not, please click on Create an Account and fill in the next page about yourself.
  5. Please deposit some money into your account and make sure you have enough money to book the workshop (one day= £20, 2 days =£40)
  6. Book each workshop (Saturday or/and Sunday) separately

Weekend Workshop in Inverness, Scotland

Friday, April 22 — Sunday, April 24

Friday April 22nd 6 – 9pm (GMT) Teachers class - The Bhandas: The ancient yogis recognized that there are subtle energy channels in the body, and that at certain points this energy tends to flow outward. In the first class of this weekend workshop, we will look at an overview of how to engage the three bandhas (or "locks"): Jalandhara Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bhanda, and draw this energy back inward. Suitable for teachers, trainee teachers and experienced students (five years plus regular attendance at classes).

Saturday, April 23 – Sunday, April 24: Building Resilience and Strength. We will learn practices designed to re-charge our batteries, supercharge our energy, and bolster confidence.

Saturday, April 23, 10:00 am – 12:30pm (GMT): Bobby will focus on poses that strengthen the back muscles, facilitate healthy movement, and make space between the intervertebral discs. Reclining and Prone Twists alternated with Parivritta Trikonasana greatly improve spinal health as well as the functioning of the pelvic organs. General, All Levels

Saturday, April 23, 3:00 – 5:00 pm: Saturday, April 23, 3:00 – 5:00 pm (GMT): The Seated Forward bends cool the body and calm the mind, but here we experience them through movement and action. Active Forward Bends are energizing, bring relief from anxiety, and create much space in the lumbar spine. General, All Levels

Sunday, April 24, 9:30 am – 12:00pm (GMT):Supported Backbends stimulate the adrenals and produce oestrogen. They help us deal with low energy, and feelings of loneliness, emptiness, and depression. In addition, these poses energize the nervous system, boost circulation throughout the body and give us courage. In this segment we will use props to provide the support necessary to fully open the chest allowing our internal subjective space to open. General, All levels.

NB The first three classes on Saturday & Sunday are suitable for all levels of practice, you should be attending regular classes for at least one year. The last session is also open to beginners and those from outside the Iyengar tradition of teaching.

Sunday, April 24, 1:30 – 3:30 pm (GMT): Restorative-Asana and Pranayama: "The regulation of the breath brings all happiness, material and spiritual, from the acquisition of kingdoms to supreme bliss. Therefore, O Rama, study the science of the breath!"

Bobby offers a restorative practice followed by breathing practices that are soothing, settling, and profound. We will work progressively and learn the fundamentals of a safe, and secure practice. This restorative and pranayama class is suitable for students new to the Iyengar method, as well as the on-going practitioner.Beginners and General.

Practical things:
For those attending by Zoom please note - Bobby will need to see you, so arrange your device so you can be seen and be prepared to change the camera angle if need be.

For everyone, Bobby has asked people to have the following equipment:

  • 1 x metal folding chair with the back removed
  • 2 x sticky mats
  • 1 or 2 bolsters
  • 2 x yoga belts (or 1 x 6ft, Pune belt)
  • 2 x identical bricks
  • 4 x foam blocks
  • 2 x blankets

Some equipment will be available to borrow on the day but please check in advance.

Mobile +44 (0) 7761628949


How to book:

Please email info@yogainverness.co.uk indicating which classes you wish to book for (after mid-March please enquire about availability first) then make payment to:

  • Account number 17603267
  • Sort code: 802260
  • Customer Reference BC-Your Name
Cost In Person Online
Full weekend £110 £85
Friday Teachers class £30 £25
Saturday full day £50 £40
Sunday full day £50 £40
Friday/Saturday £75 £65
Friday/Sunday £75 £65
Sunday pm class only £25 £20

Preference will be given to those booking the full weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun) and those booking the two full days (Sat/Sun). A recording for the days booked will be available for two weeks.

If you are intending to visit Inverness to attend in person (and we really hope you do) please note that the Loch Ness Etape is also on the Sunday and thus accommodation may be limited that weekend; best to book that ASAP. The area of Crown is where the venue is located, just a short walk from the railway and bus stations. Any queries please contact info@yogainverness.co.uk

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkFree online Community Class for the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

Friday January 10, 3:30 – 4:45pm EDT

Come join the Free Community Class for a Restorative workshop that will dispel anxiety, calm the nerves, and revive body, mind, and spirit. General All Levels.

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York
To register: bit.iy/31ed12J

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkOnline Series with Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

Step bravely into 2022 with this special three-part series:
Strong & Steady: Saturdays, Jan 15, 22 & 29, 10:30-12pm

Week 1: Standing poses, standing balance & standing twists
Standing Poses build strength, endurance, and emotional stability. By adding balance and twists to them, we add poise and mental clarity.

Week 2: Forward bends
Forward bends make it possible for us to pursue quietness and steadiness in our practice, and our lives. The seated twists are energizing and warming. When combined, we discover a quiet, and stable frame of mind.

Week 3: Supported Back bends
When practicing the backbends, we build physical and emotional resilience. Tension holding patterns can often prevent us from stretching the entire length of the front body, or connecting to the intricacies of the back body. In this workshop we will use props to provide the support necessary to fully lift the chest allowing our internal subjective space to open.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York

Online Weekend Workshop

Saturday, December 4 – Sunday, December 5

The Spectrum of Restorative Yoga

Restorative yoga can be used to calm, to rest, and also to invigorate.

In this workshop come and explore a wide range of restorative poses and the effects they have on the body, mind, nerves, and emotions.

Saturday, December 4, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
A Restorative sequence to rest and conserve energy:

First, we address physical and mental exhaustion. Then we restore energy. Finally, we return to our authentic self.

Sunday, December 5, 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Active Restorative Sequence:

Depression is a disturbance of the emotions and mind, and sometimes the nervous and endocrine systems. In this active and elevating sequence, we will lift our chest to elevate our emotions and lead our mind to a lighter state. We will create room for prana to move freely around the heart and lung area. As we create space within our body, we create space within our consciousness.

Iyengar Yoga Center Of Western Massachusetts

To register: https://www.wellnessliving.com/rs/event/iyengaryogawmass

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkFree online Community Class for the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

Friday October 29, 3:30 – 4:45pm EDT

Come and join us for a practice that develops balance, strength and stability. General All Levels.

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

To register: iyengarnyc.org/association-institutes/online-classes

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkOnline Yoga & Pregnancy series with Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

Each one of the three trimesters of pregnancy pose a different challenge for the expectant mother. Bobby Clennell presents a three-part program of asana and pranayama that accommodates the changing needs of the mother-to-be.

We will practice poses that address discomforts common to pregnancy. This series alleviates tiredness and nervous tension, strengthens the pelvic floor, gives maximum space for the baby to move and grow freely, and promotes health for the mother and her baby.

Open to teachers, teachers in training and pregnant moms.

Monday, October 4, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Ist Trimester. 1 – 16 weeks:

Generally speaking, a first trimester yoga practice should be simple and easy. Don't hold poses for too long – no strain. Try to keep your body temperature cool, and adjust your practice to how you're feeling – whether in a class or at home.

Monday, October 11, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
2nd Trimester. 17 – 29 weeks:

As you get further along in your pregnancy, keep in mind the idea that through practicing yoga, you are creating more space for the baby while becoming stronger yourself.

Monday, October 18, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
3rd Trimester. 30 – 40 weeks:

In advanced pregnancy, we will also learn safe and supportive poses that prepare the expectant mother for labor and delivery.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Brooklyn

To register: bit.ly/3tTo4bi

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkOnline workshop with Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York

Sunday, October 10, 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Side Stretch Poses

You are as vital and vibrant as your spine is flexible. Bobby will take us through a practice that rejuvenates the spine and invigorates and refreshes the entire body.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Brooklyn

To register: iyengarnyc.org

Online workshop with Studio Yoga Madison

Women's workshop: Breast Health and the Three Ages of Women

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual event that that comes around every October to increase awareness of this disease. But while breast cancer awareness is important, so is breast health awareness. In this workshop, we are joining the cause by working to promote breast health through the perspective of the three ages of woman: the childbearing years, perimenopause, and post-menopause.

Senior Iyengar Yoga teacher Bobby Clennell, author of The Woman's Yoga Book and Yoga for Breast Care, offers a comprehensive program of asana and pranayama to support breast health.

Saturday, October 2, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
The Childbearing Years: Maintaining a Cyclically Responsive Practice

Disruptions to the balance of hormones throughout the month can cause problems which may include symptoms such as sore and tender breasts, or other breast problems further down the road.

This practice will take us through the entire month (from the post menstrual phase, ovulation, the premenstrual phase, and menstruation itself), but the emphasis of the class will be the premenstrual phase.

PMS can bring on a variety of symptoms and by the mid 40's, a woman may begin to experience clear symptoms of estrogen deficiency such as premenstrual breast tenderness. In this class we will focus on the poses that stabilize the emotions, defuse anxiety, keep mood swings under control and calm sore and painful breasts.

Saturday, October 2, 2:00 – 4:30 pm
Perimenopause: Restorative and Pranayama

Perimenopause is an 8–10-year period which brings hormonal changes that result in various emotional and physical symptoms, and that lead up to the near-shutdown of ovarian function. A woman may begin to experience clear symptoms of estrogen deficiency such as irregular periods, breast symptoms (including breast tenderness) menstrual cramps or headaches that are showing up for the first time, or worse than previously. Hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating may also occur. Fairly subtle symptoms such as: insomnia, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, reduced stamina, vaginal dryness, declining libido, and mood swings, may also be experienced.

The restorative poses are crucial poses for women at this time.

Based on the inverted poses (with alternatives for students not inverting), a restorative practice helps balance depleted, or over-active hormone levels. This is one of the areas where yoga has a uniquely beneficial effect. Practicing the inversions often throughout the month helps improve circulation, increases energy, and immunity, and in the case of Salamba Sarvangasana (a crucially important pose for breast health), keeps breast problems at bay. It also promotes emotional stability, keeps the endocrine and lymphatic systems healthy, helps the body eliminate toxins, rejuvenates the lungs and heart, soothes respiratory ailments, quiets the nerves, and to quote Geeta Iyengar: "Warms the breasts from inside". We will also use supine asana, forward bends and supported back bends to become familiar and more confident with a deeper level of internal practice.

Included in this session, Bobby offers breathing practices that are soothing, settling, and profound.

(In honor of our connection to the cycles of nature, women who are on the other side of menopause would do well to maintain a restorative practice at the same time each month).

Sunday, October 3, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Post Menopause and Beyond

Maintaining Healthy Breasts

Change your image about yourself! FSH is high at this time, and you can actually be at your most profound and creative right now. A women can come out of menopause truly transformed. During this natural time of life be in tune to your body, feel your strength and and come into your power.

The breasts can suffer from poor circulation, caused in part by poor posture, such as shoulders that are hunched and a back that bends over.

Protection and Immunity. In this session we practice an active sequence that promotes lymphatic drainage, encourages ease and freedom in the chest, lungs, upper- back and shoulders, improves circulation and respiration, boosts breast health, tones breast tissue and improves posture. In addition, the functioning of the immune system is boosted, helping us build strong defenses against breast disease and ill health.

Studio Yoga Madison
2 Green Village Road
Madison, NJ 07940
973 966 5311

For registration, go to: studioyogamadison.com

ameliaOnline workshop for Singapore

A Woman's Yoga Practice: Theory — Practice — Experience

Each class will be 2 hours long, with an additional 30 minutes for discussion, study, and questions.

Saturday, September 25 – Sunday, September 26 (in the U.S. Friday, September 24 – Saturday, September 25)

There is a general tendency to practice asana as if it were merely physical exercise, which means you might practice without paying attention to structural alignment, hormonal balance, or only in order to have control over your muscles.

To better understand this workshop, here is a definition of four words: The first menstrual cycle is called menarche, and the ceasing of menstruation is defined as menopause. In this workshop we will refer to the lead up to the moment menstruation stops completely as perimenopause, and the fifteen or twenty or so years following menopause as post menopause.

The word "menopause" continues to provoke anxiety and confusion. Many women are even reluctant to say the word. Some simply shrug-off this universal phase in their lives. They say it's a normal part of the life cycle and women should sail right through it. Menopause however is a critical period of adjustment. Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, you have to face them again as it comes to an end.

Saturday, September 25, 8:00 – 10:30 am ST (Friday, September 24, 8:00 – 10:30 pm EDT)

Session 1: Perimenopause: This session offers a focused practice that can transform menopause into a positive and meaningful experience. We will learn to navigate through this transition with practices that calm the nerves, bring emotional balance, enhance the functioning of the endocrine system, and boost the immune system. Issues covered will include hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue and anxiety, heavy and excessive menstrual flow, swelling in feet and ankles, weight gain, insomnia. General all levels.

Sunday, September 26, 8:00 – 10:30 am ST (Saturday, September 25, 8:00 – 10:30 pm EDT)

Session 2: Postmenopause: Bobby will explore the challenges and rewards of the post –menopausal phase. Downplaying the impact of this transition only serves to leave us stranded in lonely ignorance, when in fact, the changes brought about by menopause can be positive. Women can experience new energy and focus when their childbearing years are over. Now is the time to sharpen your practice! Issues covered include, stiffness, osteoporosis, weakness, loss of confidence, and depression. General all levels.

Saturday, October 2 – Sunday, October 3 (in the U.S. Friday, October 1 – Saturday, October 2)

Saturday, October 2, 8:00 – 10:30 am ST (Friday, October 1, 8:00 – 10:30 pm EDT): Maintaining Healthy Breasts

The breasts can suffer from poor circulation, caused in part by poor posture, such as shoulders that are hunched and a back that bends over. Disruptions to the monthly hormone balance can also cause problems which may include menstrual difficulties or premenstrual symptoms such as sore and tender breasts, or other breast problems further down the road.

Session 1: Protection and Immunity: In this session we practice a sequence that promotes lymphatic drainage, encourages ease and freedom in the chest, lungs, upper-back and shoulders, improves circulation and respiration, boosts breast health, tones breast tissue, and improves posture. In addition, the functioning of the immune system is boosted, helping us build strong defenses against breast disease and ill health. General all levels.

Sunday, October 3, 8:00 – 10:30 am ST (Saturday, October 2, 8:00 – 10:30 pm EDT): Maintaining a Cyclically Responsive Practice

Session 2: Maintaining a Cyclically Responsive Practice: For some women, the post menstrual period can bring a feeling of fatigue. For others there's a feeling of relief, although it may not be very conscious. For other women, there's a feeling of, "okay… let's get going!" but if you rush into a very strong, hard yoga practice after your period ends, you are not paying attention to your rhythms, and this adversely impacts breast health.

We will learn a practice that follows the ups and downs of hormonal fluctuations and draws us back to nature's laws. It will take us through the entire month, from the post menstrual phase (a post menstrual sequence ensures a smooth transition from the menstrual phase to the rest of the month), the middle phase of the month, the second half of the month, and the premenstrual phase.

Based on the inverted poses, this practice helps balance hormone levels. This is one of the areas where yoga has a uniquely beneficial effect. Practicing the inversions often throughout the month helps reduce and relieve premenstrual breast heaviness & breast tenderness later in the cycle.

In honor of our connection to the cyclic nature of the universe, women who are on the other side of menopause would do well to maintain a restorative practice at the same time each month. General all levels.

Iyengar Yoga Center of Central Singapore
+65 97214603

To Register: iyengarcenter.sg@gmail.com

iyengar yoga kobeOnline workshop for Japan

Sunday, September 19 – Monday, September 20 (in the U.S. Saturday, September 18 – Sunday, September 19)

September 19: 9:00 – 11:30 am JST (September 18: 8:00 – 10:30 pm EDT)
Twists: The seated spinal twists can help reverse osteoporosis (which generally begins in the pelvis and low back). They are also energizing, warming, and nourishing for the internal organs. We will learn how to work from the back body - the mental body - to kindle the element of heat in the spine. We will complete the sequence with some cooling and calming forward bends.

September 20: 9:00 – 11:30 am JST (September 19: 8:00 – 10:30 pm EDT)
Depression is a disease of the emotions and mind as well the nervous and endocrine systems. This active restorative sequence will help us elevate our emotions, leads our mind to a lighter state and balances negative thoughts with positive.

Within these topics, Bobby will incorporate three themes: how to use props; how to practice according to one's body shape, and seasonal practice.

Iyengar Institute of Kobe
1F, Sugimoto Shoji Bldg
8–12 Hanakuma–cho
Chuo, Kobe
090 4492 2454

Registration (Japanese students only): reikiandyoga@gmail.com

Yasuko Matsumoto
Amrita Ofuna
2F Sugano Bldg
1-3-2 Ofuna
Registration (Japanese students only): vipassayasuk@gmail.com

Registration for English speakers: Kyoko Atsumi reikiandyoga@gmail.com

Students who register for the full 2-day workshop will receive a link to a recording of the workshops which will be active until October 10.

Online Weekend Workshop with Yogarosa

Friday, September 10 — Sunday, September 12

Menopause, Breast Health, and Yoga

To better understand this workshop, here is a definition of four words:

The first menstrual cycle is called menarche, and the ceasing of menstruation is defined as menopause. In this workshop we will refer to the lead up to the moment menstruation stops forever as perimenopause, and the twenty or so years following menopause as post menopause.

Friday, September 10, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm: Women's Hormones: This session will begin with an overview of women's lives. Bobby will talk briefly about how yoga can be adjusted for the various phases, from childhood, through puberty, the childbearing years (pregnancy), postpartum, menopause, po-menopause, early old age, advanced old age.

Maintaining a Cyclically Responsive Practice is particularly important during perimenopause. We will learn how important it is for women to develop a cyclically responsive practice as it gives us a way of navigating possible disturbances to our cycles as we go through this transition. Bobby will guide us through a practice that is responsive to our fluctuating hormones throughout the entire month (as opposed to our practice being outwardly programmed) and draws us back to nature's laws. With this awareness, a woman can fine-tune her yoga practice to coordinate with her own unique perimenopausal pattern.

Friday, September 10, 2:00 - 4:00 pm: Perimenopause: The word "menopause" continues to provoke anxiety and confusion. Many women are even reluctant to say the word. Some simply shrug-off this universal phase in their lives. They say it's a normal part of the life cycle and women should sail right through it.

Menopause however is a critical period of adjustment. Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, you have to face them again at menopause. This workshop offers a focused practice that can transform menopause into a positive and meaningful experience. Learn to navigate through this transition with a practice that calms the nerves and brings emotional balance. Healing solutions will be offered to deal with hot flashes, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, heavy and excessive menstrual flow, swelling in feet and ankles, and weight gain.

Saturday, September 11, 2:00 - 4:00 pm: Postmenopause:We will explore the challenges and rewards of the post-menopausal phase.

Downplaying the impact of this change in our bodies only serves to leave us stranded in lonely ignorance, when in fact, the changes brought about by menopause can be positive. Women can experience new energy and focus when their childbearing years are over – really!

Constructive coping with menopause includes acknowledging the physical changes and the psychological challenges that occur at midlife. The solutions lie in acceptance, not in denial or attempts to "turn back the clock." Menopause is a beginning, not an ending. It's a process, not a discrete event. It's the beginning of a new expression of the feminine force. Issues covered include problems such as: stiffness, osteoporosis, weakness, incontinence, loss of confidence and depression.

Sunday, September 12, 2:00 - 4:00 pm: Healthy Breasts: Protection and Immunity. Disruptions to the monthly hormone balance can cause problems which may include menstrual difficulties or premenstrual symptoms such as sore and tender breasts, or indeed other breast problems further down the road.

The poses in this segment promote lymphatic drainage, encourages ease and freedom in the chest, lungs, upper-back and shoulders, improves circulation and respiration, boosts breast health, tones breast tissue, and improves posture. In addition, the functioning of the immune system is boosted, helping us build strong defenses against breast disease and ill health.

For registration, go to: yogarosa.com

Online Restorative Class — Quiet and Calm

Iyengar Yoga Institures of New York and Brooklyn
Wed, June 2 | 7:00-8:30 pm EST

This class will explore a sequence of supine poses and forward extensions appropriate for menstruation but that also dispel anxiety, calm the nerves and help you get the rest you need. Men are welcome. 


Online Workshop with Studio Yoga Madison

International Yoga Day: Monday, June 21
6:00 pm EDT

Free the chest, the upper back and the shoulders for peaceful emotions and a quiet mind.

"Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured." — B.K.S. Iyengar

Celebrate International Yoga Day at Studio Yoga Madison with Senior Iyengar teacher Bobby Clennell. Free the chest, upper back and shoulders for peaceful emotions and a quiet mind. We will practice supported backbends to energize the nervous system, boost circulation throughout the body and help us deal with low energy, inversions (with alternatives for those not inverting) to refresh the brain, and reclining poses to prepare us for a soothing and settling pranayama practice. General level.

Prop list:

  • At least one sticky mat (if you have two, even better!)
  • Yoga belt
  • Metal folding chair
  • Two yoga blocks
  • One bolster (two is even better)
  • Four yoga blankets

Studio Yoga Madison
2 Green Village Road
Madison, NJ 07940
973 966 5311

IYAGNY logoOnline Weekend Workshop: Central and South America
Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia

Saturday, May 15 — Sunday, May 16, 2021
Hosted by Centro de Yoga Sattwa, Panama Iyengar Yoga & Natural Yoga

Saturday, May 15, 9:00 - 11:30 am (Costa Rica), 10:00 am - 12:30 pm (Panama & Colombia), 11:00 am – 1:30 EDT
Maintaining a Cyclically Responsive Practice: A whole month's practice yields results during menstruation itself. We will learn how to maintain a balanced practice that follows the ups and downs of hormonal fluctuations and draws us back to nature's laws. We will practice a sequence that takes us through the entire month, from menstruation itself, through the post menstrual phase, the middle phase of the month, the second half of the month, and the premenstrual phase.

Sunday May 16, 9:00 - 11:30 am (Costa Rica), 10:00 am - 12:30 pm (Panama & Colombia), 11:00 am – 1:30 EDT
Menopause: Bobby presents a yoga workshop for women approaching, or going through, menopause. Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, you have to face them again at menopause. We will learn to navigate through this transition with practices that calm the nerves, bring emotional balance and enhance the functioning of the endocrine system.

To register, please contact one of the sponsoring studios:

Costa Rica
Lucrecia Vargos
Centro de Yoga Sattwa
(506) 2440 8800
Register: yogaiyengarcr@gmail.com

Contact info: Milvia Martinez (507) 6666 0651
Register: panamaiyengaryoga@gmail.com

Ana Uribe
Natural Yoga
Register: +57 310 482 74 32

International Women's Day, Sunday, March 7

Online workshop hosted by the Association of Iyengar Yoga, Mexico. Sunday, March the 7th, from 9 to 11.30 am (Mexico City), 10am -12.30pm EST.

Yoga for Women
Learning how to adjust one's yoga practice to monthly hormonal fluctuations is important whether you are in your childbearing years or going through menopause.

A woman should learn to understand herself. Why is it sometimes you don't feel strong? Some days you can really get a good stretch. Other days, despite putting in the effort, you are weak. Come explore the poses that help you maintain physical and hormonal health, a quiet mind and calm nerves.

General level: suitable for women of all ages and levels of experience.

Register: admon.amyi.site/eventos/Evento_DIA_MUJER2021.html


Online Weekend Workshop

Saturday, May 22 — Sunday, May 23, 2021
Hosted by YogaWest

Saturday, May 22, 2:00 – 5:00 pm BST (9:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT)
Yoga for Seniors (60+): The transition into old age brings many challenges and many rewards. As we age, it's important to try to avoid injury that, amongst other things, can trigger low-grade inflammation and can age you before your time. The key is to switch from exercise methods that strain or compress joints and as your body changes to be open to smarter ways of staying healthy.

Iyengar Yoga's precise and methodical approach emphasizes a correct and safe way to practice. Practitioners are encouraged to use props such as bolsters, straps, and blocks with which to explore correct alignment and avoid injury. Because props allow for a variety of modifications, this method works well for adults with arthritis, stiffness and other chronic conditions. Chair yoga for instance is a great way for seniors to get the benefits of yoga. Staying seated means that even those of us who are frail can safely do modified versions of the poses.

Here are some of the benefits of yoga for the elderly:

  • Standing poses help you become steadier on your feet and reduce the risk of falls and can help improve bone strength. We will also use chairs for these poses.
  • The seated poses are ideal for improving flexibility in the hips and the muscles around the pelvis. Sitting on the floor — as well as on chairs — provides a position of stability, strengthens the back and facilitates opening the front body.
  • The chair supported spinal twists can help reverse osteoporosis, which usually begins in the pelvis and low back. In addition, they tone the abdomen, massage the internal organs, and can relieve lower back pain.
  • Chair supported back bends free the chest, diaphragm, upper back and shoulders, and can help alleviate sleep disturbances, a common complaint among seniors.
  • With the supine poses we discover a quiet and stable frame of mind. These poses also promote flexibility.
  • It is not unusual at this stage of a practitioners life to become more interested in yoga in its broader sense - the spiritual experience- and to look for one's place in the grander scheme of things.

Sunday, May 23, 2:00 – 5:00 pm BST (9:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT)
Sitting Poses and Side Stretch Poses. You are as vital and vibrant as your spine is flexible. By combining lateral spinal extensions with spinal rotations, Bobby will take us through a practice that rejuvenates the spine and invigorates and refreshes the entire body.

Denmark Place
Bristol BS7 8NW
UK0117 924 3330

Click here for more information and to register

Online Weekend Workshop:

Friday, April 30 — Sunday, May 2, 2021
Hosted by Yoga with Susan Elena

The Chakras: Ancient Vedic texts tell us that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions, the "physical body" and the "psychological, emotional, and mental bodies" -- the "subtle body". The subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass, and they mutually effect each other. The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy called chakra.

The chakras are the central focus of the ethereal energies. The six major chakras are arranged or focused vertically along the spinal column from its base to between the eyebrows, extending to the different glands and organs they are associated with.

A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like powerhouse of psychic energy vibrating at different rates. These differences of vibration reflect a person's psycho-spiritual condition.

Although meditation (along with pranayama, bandhas, mudras, sound forms and in some cases deities and colors) is a good way to get access to the chakras, through asana you can also influence the effectiveness of the chakras.

Friday, April 30: 6:00 – 8:30 pm EDT:
Standings Poses: Proper stimulation of the first chakra, Muladhara, eases all lower extremity diseases, including those in the legs and feet. Squeeze the tailbone in and channel energy up the spine, away from the chakra — too much energy in a chakra can be just as unhealthy and even dangerous as too littl . Hip openers: Similarly, in order to have access to the second chakra, Svadhisthana, which is associated with the testicles and ovaries, work in the pelvic region. This chakra governs your emotions, your creativity, sensitivity, sexuality, intimacy, emotional well-being, and self- expression

Saturday, April 1: 1:00 - 4:00 pm EDT:
Back bends (supported and unsupported): To release stress, and to develop courage, stimulate the third and fourth chakras by practicing the back bends. Situated right between the two breasts (and close to the heart) sits the Anahatra Chakra, symbol of selflessness, empathy, devotion, and the concept of giving and receiving love. Anahata is also related to the thymus gland, located in the chest, and part of the immune system as well as being part of the endocrine system.

Sunday, April 2: 1:00 – 4:00 pm EDT:
Restorative Poses: Inversions (supported & unsupported) and Seated Forward Extensions: When the fifth chakra, Vishuddha, situated at the throat center, is properly awakened, diseases in the immune system, neurological system, throat and upper bronchials are relieved. Psychosomatic diseases, throat cancer and illnesses resulting from suppression of the self can be treated by activating this chakra. The sixth chakra, Ajna, located between the eyes, stimulates the pituitary gland, immune system and creative visualization. This chakra is linked to the spiritual and soul bodies.

Yoga with Susan Elena

Ancient Healing Arts Yoga
85 North Main Street, Suite 240, WRJ, VT

IYAGNY logoOnline Weekend Workshop

Friday, April 23 — Sunday, April 25, 2021
Hosted by Yoga Inverness

Friday April 23: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT (New York), 3:00 – 6:00 pm BST (Scotland).
Standing Poses with Belts: We will use belts to help us become better acquainted with each standing pose and to ensure symmetry, balance, stability and stamina. Bring two regular length belts, or one regular and one long belt.

Saturday, April 24: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT (New York), 3:00 – 6:00 pm BST (Scotland).
Twists: The seated spinal twists can help reverse osteoporosis (which generally begins in the pelvis and low back). They are also energizing, warming and nourishing for the internal organs. We will learn how to work from the back body - the mental body - to kindle the element of heat in the spine. We will complete the sequence with some cooling and calming forward bends (element of space).

Sunday, April 25: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT (New York), 3:00 – 6:00 pm BST (Scotland).
Active restorative sequence: Depression is a disease of the emotions and mind as well the nervous and endocrine systems. This active restorative sequence helps us elevate our emotions, leads our mind to a lighter state and balances negative thoughts with positive.

Visit yogainverness.co.uk for more information

Mobile +44 (0) 7761628949

IYAGNY logoOnline Weekend Workshop

Saturday, March 13 — Sunday, March 14, 2021
Hosted by SWLSIYI (South West London and Surrey Iyengar Yoga Institute)

In this workshop, Bobby Clennell is teaching back bends and forward bends in unexpected ways!

In these times of isolation and withdrawal, backbends open us up and lift our mood. Here they will be made accessible to all, as the entire class is propped. On the other hand, we will experience forward bends through movement and action, which also raises the spirit, but which also brings mental calm and quiet focus.

Saturday, March 13, 2:00 - 5:00 pm GMT (9:00am - 12:00 pm EST)
Supported Backbends:
dispel negativity and open the heart to amazing possibilities without placing too many demands in the system. They stimulate the adrenals and help us deal with low energy and feelings of loneliness, emptiness and depression. In addition, these poses energize the nervous system, boost circulation throughout the body and give us confidence. General Level (1-year experience).

Sunday, March 14, 2:00 - 5:00 pm GMT (10:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT)
Active Forward Bends: cool the body and calm the mind. Here we practice them energetically to bring relief from anxiety and to open up space in the lumbar spine. Intermediate level.

Click here to register or for more information.


Contact: Cath Barnes-Holt
07909 995408

IYAGNY logoAges Of Women: Four two-hour online workshops

March 20, 21, 27 & 28, 2021: 10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Hosted by Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York

Using a wide range of yoga poses, Bobby Clennell will take us through the various phases of a woman's life and show how to adapt our yoga practice according to our age. Come prepared to be 5 years old! Can you remember yourself as a teenager? Even if you have never been pregnant, experience it in this workshop via yogasana. Postpartum? Practice as if you had just given birth. Are you under the impression that menopause will never happen? Get a taste of a menopause and post menopause practice with some carefully selected poses. Practice being elderly – it's not so bad! – with some of the poses Bobby used to watch BKS Iyengar doing in his later years. Men are welcome! Come find your inner woman.

March 20, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Childhood and Adolescence

Ages 4/5 – 11: Childhood. Yoga provides a firm foundation for a child's physical development. It also trains them to evolve their intelligence and improve concentration. A teacher should know that a child, whose mind is always in the present, dislikes monotony. They want to try everything that is new. Similarly, children don't need precision. For adults, precision is important, because if something goes wrong, they get injured. Children fall so many times, but they don't hurt themselves. Although the teacher needs to be careful, there is no need to be serious! Youngsters may be imprecise, but they do yoga without fear or doubt, so do not bore them with corrections. Keep it moving! Be like a child when you teach them, but at the same time learn how to draw their attention.

11 – 16 years: Adolescence. At adolescence, a young girl undergoes many sudden changes in body and mind and she has to build-herself up to face these upheavals. A practice can be tailored to concentrate on poses that increase her confidence and will-power, strengthen her emotional stability, regulate mood swings, and avoid menstrual disorders. Know, as a teacher, that because at this stage of her life her bones are getting firmer she can hold the poses longer and you can move toward teaching with more intensity (than you would for young children) and help her develop muscular strength.

March 21, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Menstruation. Pregnancy. Postpartum (Ages 15 – 45)
Bobby will show how to maintain a cyclically responsive practice that attunes you to your innermost reality, brings about individual health, and draws you back to nature's rhythms. By navigating the entire month's hormonal fluctuations with specific asanas, you will promote vibrant good health and maintain emotional stability.

A Menstrual Practice: Learn how to stick to a practice that keeps you healthy, does not disturb the menstrual flow and ensures you get the rest you need. Fertility: We will explore the practices that optimize reproductive health and improve the chances of conceiving.

During pregnancy, yoga can be tailored to suit the body's changing needs and capabilities. As well as strengthening the spine, it also helps the body deal with many of the problems common to pregnancy: poor circulation, fluctuations in blood pressure, excess weight gain, fatigue, edema, and urinary problems. A regular yoga practice during pregnancy also strengthens and prepares the body for the demands of labor, eases delivery, and helps restore energy levels after the baby is born.

Postpartum: After delivery, the practice of pranayama stabilizes emotions and helps to ensure a plentiful supply of milk. During this period of recovery, the emphasis should be on recuperative poses, gradually building up to more active ones. At around nine months to a year after delivery, normal practice can be resumed.

March 27, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Perimenopause & Menopause (Ages 45 – 52)

Just as physical and psychological changes occur when menstruation begins, you can expect to face disturbances again as it comes to an end.

Peri-menopause are the years that lead up to the near shut down of ovarian function. From the mid 40's a woman may begin to experience clear symptoms of estrogen reduction, such as irregular periods (shorter or longer, lighter or heavier), or headaches that are showing up for the first time. The benefits of yoga during this time are substantial and a regular practice helps to maintain physical, mental and emotional health. We will learn to navigate through this transition with practices that calm the nerves, keeps weight under control, maintains a healthy digestive system and supports the functioning of the endocrine system.

March 28, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST
Post-Menopause (Ages 52 – 75)

There is a similarity between the post-menopausal phase and adolescence. We remember ourselves at 12 and 13 years of age, facing a different future.

It is true that some of the issues experienced during peri-menopause can include stiffness, weakness and loss of confidence. This can, however, be the strongest phase of a woman's life. She is no longer subject to the continual ebb and flow of monthly hormonal activity. With her yoga practice, she negotiates the landscape between rebuilding strength and her new-found ability to focus properly with an acceptance that she is aging. Yoga now becomes extremely interesting! At this stage of a woman's life, there is a constructive struggle and the body gets more expressive. When we learn how to get the sharpness back into our practice, we can experience a whole new lease of life.

Age 75 – on.
The transition into old age brings with it many challenges, such as increased physical fragility, low metabolism, absent mindedness, and a general lack of coordination. At this stage props are a great help, enabling beneficial poses to be achieved with less effort, which in turn helps to maintain blood circulation and a healthy nervous system. The aim of yoga is to maintain both physical and mental health, therefore bringing about balance and harmony. In old age this is achieved by adapting the practice and adopting new methods with which to achieve physical poise and stability and lightness of spirit and mood. It is not unusual at this stage of a practitioners life to become more interested in yoga in its broadest sense - the spiritual experience- and one's place in the grander scheme of things.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 West 22nd Street
2nd floor
New York, NY 10011

212 691 9642

Register at bit.ly/3b7d7Kc

china 1Online Workshops in China with Iyengar Yogashala (only available in China): Yoga Therapy for Women

Wednesday, Jan 13, 2021, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Endometrial hyperplasia, which falls along a spectrum of endometrial pathology develops when an imbalance of hormones leaves the endometrium exposed to somewhat more estrogen than progesterone. Atypical complex endometrial hyperplasia may also precede cancer of the uterus.

Practice: Come learn practices that guard against as well as address symptoms caused by too much estrogen, such as bleeding or spotting between periods, dramatic changes in the duration of menstrual periods, postmenopausal bleeding, or a heavier menstrual blood flow.

Thursday Jan 14, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Primary ovarian insufficiency — also called premature ovarian failure: occurs when the ovaries stop functioning normally before age 40 and don't release eggs regularly. Signs and symptoms of this condition are similar to those of menopause. They include: irregular, light or skipped periods, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, dry eyes, irritability or difficulty concentrating and decreased sexual desire. Although Premature ovarian failure is not premature menopause, it can lead to infertility and osteoporosis.

Practice: In this workshop we will strengthen our uterus and reproductive system, restore depleted energy, and address problems caused by insufficient estrogen and a deficiency in the formation of the ovaries and endocrine glands.

Wednesday, Jan 20, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Endometriosis & Emotional weakness. Endometriosis, a disorder in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus, on the ovaries, fallopian tubes and intestines. The most common symptoms include severe abdominal pain during or prior to menstruation or at midcycle. Some also experience infertility. Causes of this condition include hormone imbalance and depleted immune system.

In this workshop we will address Emotional weakness, i.e., crying for no reason, which often occurs when hormonal rhythms are not stable.

Practice: Pelvic alignment for a healthy reproductive system. We will look at an entire months practice, both during menstruation and at other times of the month, and in-so-doing, address fluctuating hormones and mood. We will also deal with endometrial scar tissue by correcting pelvic misalignment and practice the poses that boost the immune system.

Thursday, Jan 21, 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Fibroids are noncancerous growths in (and around) the uterus that can develop during a woman's childbearing years. Symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, and pelvic pain. In this workshop we will also address ovarian cysts.

Practice: To increase circulation to the abdominal organs, promote a healthy and properly functioning endocrine system we will practice belly softening and widening, pelvic floor strengthening, and hormonal balancing poses.

"Follow the method that has been given so you won't get fibroids or cysts. How do I know your way of life? You know what kind of stress you have – and what worries you have. How do I know that? Everyone has their own worries and problems. If you walk when you have your periods, what is the sense in that? You say, "Today I can't do asanas so I will just walk 5 kms, 10kms." It makes no sense --you are exerting the area more. You have to relax and quieten it."
— Geeta Iyengar

cocoon studio logoOnline Workshop Series with Iyengar Institute of Kobe

A series of 4 two-hour workshops Sunday morning, 10:00 am (Japan) November 22, 29, December 6 & 13. (if you are attending in the U.S., the sessions begin 8:00 pm EST, Saturday November 21, 28, December 6 & 13)

Yoga is not just for physical results but to awaken certain things that are dormant in you and to induce your mind, emotions and intelligence to function in a healthy way.
— Prashant Iyengar.

Sunday, November 22, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm JST (if you are attending in the U.S., the sessions begin 8:00 pm EST, Saturday November 21)
Standings Poses: The Pancha-vayus: The yoga tradition divides the subtlest aspect of the elemental (physical) body into five areas, known as the Panchavayus: Prana-vayu, Apana-vayu, Samana-vayu, Udana-vayu, and Vyana-vayu. We will learn the parts of the system the Vayus govern and how to work with them in our asana practice.

Sunday, November 29, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm JST (if you are attending in the U.S., the sessions begin 8:00 pm EST, Saturday November 21)
Back bends (supported and unsupported): Chakras.

Sunday, December 6, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm JST (if you are attending in the U.S., the sessions begin 8:00 pm EST, Saturday November 21)
Restorative Poses: Inversions (supported & unsupported) and Seated Forward Extensions: Chakras
The Chakras: Ancient Vedic texts tell us that human life simultaneously exists in two parallel dimensions, the "physical body" and the "psychological, emotional, mind, non-physical body" -- the "subtle body". This subtle body is energy, while the physical body is mass. The psyche or mind plane corresponds to and interacts with the body plane, and the body and the mind mutually affect each other. The subtle body consists of nadi (energy channels) connected by nodes of psychic energy called chakra.

The chakras are the central focus of the ethereal energies. The six major chakras are arranged or focused vertically along the spinal column from its base to between the eyebrows, extending to the different glands and organs they are associated with. In their furthest extensions the chakras extend to the front and back of the body and are oval in shape. A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like powerhouse of psychic energy vibrating at different rates. These differences of vibration reflect a person's psycho-spiritual condition.

The tantric traditions sought to master them, awaken and energize them through various breathing exercises or with assistance of a teacher.

Meditation (along with pranayama, bandhas, mudras, sound forms and in some cases deities and colors) is a good way to get access to the chakras, but with asana you can start motivating prana to come under the influence of a given chakra so that it works desirably and stops working undesirably. Asanas are not just postures of the body, that work on the joints etc. Through asana you can also influence the effectiveness of the pranic constellations (chakras).

Sunday, December 13, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm JST (if you are attending in the U.S., the sessions begin 8:00 pm EST, Saturday November 21)
Intermediate Class. Forward Extensions, Inversions, Balancings.

Iyengar Institute of Kobe

090 4492 2454

cocoon studio logoOnline Weekend Workshop with Iyengar Yoga Center of Western Massachusetts and Ancient Healing Arts Yoga

Saturday, November 14 — Sunday, November 15

Full Body Rejuvenation! Energize your entire being, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

Saturday, November 14: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
You Are as Vital and Vibrant as Your Spine is Flexible: Dispel mental tension and elevate your emotion with the side stretch poses. First, we will lengthen the torso along the sides. Then using the arms, legs and spine to support the trunk we will combine the lateral spinal extensions with spinal rotations.

Sunday, November 15: 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
Toward Mulabandhasana: Mulabandhasana activates the root chakra, the Muladhara, which is the foundation of the physical structure and the energy body. In this session we will focus on learning to balance freedom with stability in the pelvis and legs. This pose tones the digestive and reproductive organs and mobilizes hips, knees, ankles and toes.

One Session: $40 Early Price by November 5; $50 regular price
Both Sessions: $75 Early Price by November 5; $90 regular price

Iyengar Yoga Center of Western Massachusetts

Ancient Healing Arts Yoga

Click here for more information and to register with Iyengar Yoga Center of Western Massachusetts
Click here for more information and to register with Ancient Healing Arts Yoga
*International Students please email us for information on financial assistance with high exchange rates.

IYAGNY logoOnline Post-Election Rescue Remedy Restorative Class

Wednesday, November 4: 7:00 8:30 pm
Hosted by Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York

Click here for more infomation and to register


IYAGNY logoA Three-Part Online Workshop for Teachers and Experienced Students

Saturdays, December 5, 12 & 19: 10:30 am – 12:00pm
Hosted by Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York

The Pancha-vayus
The yoga tradition divides the subtle (elemental) body into five areas, known as the Panchavayus: Prana-vayu, Apana-vayu, Samana-vayu, Udana-vayu, and Vyana-vayu. Come learn the parts of the body they govern and how to work with them in your asana practice.

Level: Teachers, trainee teachers and experienced students.

Click here for more infomation and to register


cocoon studio logoOnline Workshops in China with Iyengar Yogashala (only available in China)

Cultural event: Saturday, October 31st, 6:30 – 8:30 pm CST (China Standard Time).
After delivery, women often forget to take care of themselves. The enthusiasm they felt for protecting themselves and the baby during pregnancy tends to fade once the baby is born. This workshop will show us how to take care of the new mother throughout the postpartum period.

November 3 - 6. 2 hours each day: 6:30 -8:30 pm CST
For a prenatal health association in China.

Yoga for Post-Partum, an online four-class yoga workshop (For nurses and yoga teachers).
The postnatal phase which continues for about a year after delivery is a challenging time for a new mother. It's important that she practices yoga after delivery to help her return to normal and maintain her health, but particularly, for the first three months, she should not be in a hurry to get back to a strong yoga practice. In this workshop we will learn how she can adjust her practice and work carefully as the body recovers from pregnancy and childbirth.
There are three postpartum phases:

Tuesday November 3, 6:30 -8:30 pm CST
For the first four to six weeks after delivery, the early postpartum time is really special and fragile. Starting a vigorous practice too soon after delivery can bring about problems; some can be immediate and some can surface further down the line. Breast milk tends to dry up if the yoga practice is too strong. It's best to practice restful poses and a simple, calming pranayama practice during this phase.

Wednesday November 4, 6:30 -8:30 pm CST
Up until the second-and-third-month following delivery. A yoga practice usually has a challenging and dynamic component to it, but not in the first three or four-months following delivery. It's a gradual process of restoring strength. When the baby is about three to four months old, and provided there is enough strength, the new mother can begin to take up the task of toning the abdominal organs (the sort of practice that improves the overall functions on the pelvic organs).

Thursday November 5, 6:30 -8:30 pm CST
Between the forth to sixth month following delivery. The new Mom will have regained her original shape and strength and post-natal fatigue will be gone, but she has to be careful that the poses are not to tiring. She can now practice some active yoga poses to strengthen the arms, legs and torso

Friday November 6, 6:30 -8:30 pm CST
Seventh to tenth months following delivery. At ten months following delivery, she is back to normal. The new mother can now include a wide range of yoga poses, including all of the standing poses, and some back bends which will help purify the breast milk.

cocoon studio logoOnline weekend Workshop with C Studio Jakarta

A workshop for the treatment and prevention of the various types of headache (including migraine) and vertigo.

Friday, October 16, 8:00 - 11:00 pm EDT; Saturday, October 17, 7:00 – 10:00 am Western Indonesia Time
Migraine and other Headaches: In order to deal with a headache, we first need to know where it is coming from - we need to understand the cause. As Geeta Iyengar says, "is the blood flow to the head depleted (i.e., post menstrual, sinus condition)? Or is there is too much blood circulation (as in a migraine headache)?" This determines the poses that will be the most effective. We will practice the postures which induce muscular release, keep the head and body cool, soothe the nerves and bring emotional balance.

Saturday, October 17, 8:00 - 11:00 pm EDT; Sunday, October 18, 7:00 – 10:00 am Western Indonesia Time
Vertigo: Vertigo also has a number of causes. Although it is essentially a neck, shoulder, and inner ear issue, it is also part of the whole organic body. When the inner organic body and nervous system are toned and healthy then vertigo symptoms will dissipate. First, we will practice poses which vitalize the internal organs and heal the nerves. We then turn our attention to poses that progressively relax the neck, jaw and shoulder muscles and improve inner ear function.

C Studio Jakarta
Whatsapp: +628111336433
Email: cstudiojakartaindonesia@gmail.com

cocoon studio logoOnline Weekend Workshops with Iyengar Yoga Center of Central Singapore

A series of 4 two-hour workshops over two weekends.

A Women's Yoga Practice: an online workshop
For teachers, teachers in training and serious students with three years-experience in Iyengar Yoga. Each class will be 90 minutes long, with an additional 30 minutes for discussion, study and questions.

Friday, October 23, 8:00 - 10:00 pm EDT: Saturday October 24, 8:00 – 10:00 am Singapore Standard Time
A mix of pose, including some Standing Poses.
Following Hormonal Rhythms: Your Regular Monthly yoga practice yields results during menses. After the post menstrual practice, learn poses which help with the slow build-up of energy toward the mid-point of the month. Around Days 21 and 22, and, you may be getting get stiff again. Learn to listen to your body!

Saturday, October 24, 8:00 - 10:00 pm EDT; Sunday Oct 25, 8:00 – 10:00 am Singapore Standard Time
Wide leg poses.
Pelvic Stiffness, Excessive Menstrual Flow & Menstrual Cramps:Learn practices that promote the health of the hip joints, reduce an excessive menstrual flow and deal with menstrual cramps, whether caused by stress, or problems such as endometriosis, fibroids or menopause.

Friday, October 30, 8:00 - 10:00 pm EDT: Saturday October 31,8:00 – 10:00 am Singapore Standard Time
Seated Forward Extensions.
Migraine Headaches & Scanty flow: Migraine Headaches are three times more: common in women than in men and are often triggered by hormonal fluctuations. Learn practices that cool the head and body, soothe the nerves, quiet the mind, prevent insomnia, restore endocrine system balance and reduce headaches. In this session we will also discuss strategies for dealing with a very light (i.e., scanty) menstrual flow.

Saturday, October 31, 8:00 - 10:00 pm EDT; Sunday November 1, 8:00 – 10:00 am Singapore Standard Time
An Active restorative Sequence.
Stress & Depression:Depression is a disease of the emotions and mind as well as the nervous and endocrine systems. Lift your chest to elevate your emotions and lead your mind to a lighter state. Create room for prana to move freely around the heart area and balance negative thoughts with positive.

Iyengar Yoga Center of Central Singapore
WhatsApp/WeChat: +6597214603
Email: iyengarcenter.sg@gmail.com

Iyengar Yoga therapeutics

Yoga for Breast Care with Bobby Clennell: Live Online Workshops

Sunday, October 11, 18, and 25, 9:30 - 11:30 am PDT; 12:30 - 2:30 pm EDT

Appropriate for Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs), those wishing to become CIYTs and all other serious students of yoga. The workshops are eligible for continuing education credit with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) as well as IYNAUS.

*If you cannot make the live workshops, recordings will be available for a limited time.

In this series of workshops Bobby Clennell, author of Yoga for Breast Care, will provide insight into practices that support breast health. Active and restorative sequences for maintaining healthy breasts by boosting immunity and practices for breast cancer survivors (those who have recently undergone breast cancer surgery, are receiving intensive chemotherapy or radiation treatment and for those with decreased mobility and numbness in the arm, shoulder, and chest).

Bobby Clennell was certified to teach yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar in 1977 and has since returned to India to study every two years. She considers herself blessed to have studied directly with B.K.S. Iyengar. She is a core faculty member of the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York and teaches workshops throughout the United States and around the world.

Bobby is an animator and published author; her publications include The Women's Yoga Book: Asana and Pranayama for All Phases of the Menstrual Cycle and a children's title, Watch Me Do Yoga.

Of her own teaching Bobby says, "I try to help students restore the balance between the constant pull of the external world and their own, oftentimes neglected, individual heart."

Workshop 1: Protection and Immunity
Asana focus: Standing poses and inversions
Sunday, October 11, 9:30 - 11:30 am PDT; 12:30 - 2:30 EDT
This workshop will provide sequences that improve respiration, boost circulation around the chest and armpits, mobilize the shoulder joints and strengthen the spine. In addition, the functioning of the immune system is boosted by these asanas, helping us build strong defenses against breast disease and ill health.

Workshop 2: Cooling Sequence for those undergoing chemo or radiation therapy
Asana focus: Supine poses
Sunday October 18, 9:30 - 11:30 am PDT; 12:30 - 2:30 EDT
This workshop will include asana practice to address the heating and depleting effects of Chemotherapy and radiation treatment as well as a pre and post-surgery sequence. The pre-surgery sequence will include reclining poses that strengthen the nerves and conserve the energy required in preparation for the procedure. The post-surgery sequence will focus on supine poses that alleviate intermittent fatigue. In addition, poses that calm the mind, cool the system and reduce diarrhea and fatigue will be discussed.

Workshop 3: Post surgery recovery
Asana focus: Reclining, shoulder poses while seated and standing, and supported inversions
Sunday October 25, 9:30 - 11:30 am PDT; 12:30 - 2:30 EDT
Decreased mobility and numbness in the arm, shoulder and chest can be a short and long term post-treatment challenge if not addressed meticulously on a regular basis. Reclaiming range of motion in these areas should be done on a gradient, especially where there is inflammation, damaged tissue from treatment or scar tissue from surgery. Sequences that provide this gradient will be discussed. Each sequence will begin and finish with restorative poses.

Series of three workshops: $75
Two workshops $55
Single workshop $30

You may pay at PayPal.me/IYTworkshops
You will see $00.00. Type in the amount due. Please indicate in the notes on PayPal which classes you plan to attend, or send an email to info@iyengaryogatherapeutics.com listing the classes. Make sure that the email address you use for PayPal is the one you want to use for communication with IYT. If not, provide the correct email in the PayPal notes. Your PayPal payment serves as your receipt and registration. You will receive the Zoom link before each workshop you have signed up for and the recording after.

The fees are non-refundable.

Live Online Workshop: Central and South America Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia. September 11, 12 & 13.

Friday, Sept 11: Teachers, trainee teachers and Intermediate students
11:00 am - 1:30 pm: Costa Rica / Panamá
12:00 – 2:30 pm: Colombia
1:00 – 3:30 pm: New York
Toward Mulabandhasana: a pose in which "… the anus to the navel is contracted and lifted up and toward the spine" (BKS Iyengar: Light on Yoga). Among other effects, Mulabandhasana tones the lower abdominal organs and mobilizes hips, ankles, knees and toes.

Saturday, Sep 12:
10:00 am - 12:00 pm: Costa Rica / Panamá
11:00 am - 1:00 pm: Colombia
12:00 – 2:00 pm: New York
Standing Poses and Navasana: One of the most well-known yoga poses for core strength - Boat Pose - tones the upper and lower abdominal muscles while strengthening the low back. The name comes from the Sanskrit words "nava" (meaning "boat") and "asana" (meaning "pose"). We will practice some standing poses first to develop strength and stamina and then move on to Navasana, using a chair and other props to help us explore and develop this pose.

Sunday September 13:
10:00 am – 12:00 pm: Costa Rica / Panamá 
11:00 am - 1:00 pm: Colombia
12:00 – 2:00 pm: New York
Breast Care for Everyone: Learn a practice which promotes lymphatic drainage, strengthens the immune system, supports liver function, and promotes ease and freedom in the chest, lungs, upper back and shoulders.

To register, please contact one of the sponsoring studios:

Costa Rica
Lucrecia Vargos
Centro de Yoga Sattwa
(506) 2440 8800
Register: yogaiyengarcr@gmail.com

Contact info: Milvia Martinez (507) 6666 0651
Register: panamaiyengaryoga@gmail.com

Ana Uribe
Natural Yoga
Register: +57 310 482 74 32

Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New YorkUpdated online class schedule at Iyengar Yoga Intitutes of New York & Brooklyn

Click here for Bobby's current weekly teaching schedule.

the Iyengar Yoga Studio logoHealthy Hips & Knee Joints: online workshop series

We are pleased to say that a Studio-based workshop with Bobby Clennell , planned for April this year, has been rescheduled as two linked online classes taking place on Saturday, August 8 and Sunday, August 9 at 3:00 - 5:30 pm GMT (10:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT) on each day. The overall theme for the classes is the promotion of healthy hip and knee joints. The programme is as follows:

Saturday, August 8, 3:00 - 5:30 pm GMT (10:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT):
Standing poses for healthy hips - Standing poses build strength and endurance and are a good foundation for all other asanas. This session will focus on hip opening poses and on learning to balance freedom with stability.

Sunday, August 9, 3:00 - 5:30 pm GMT (10:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT):
Towards Mulabandhasana - This session will focus on Mulabandhasana, a pose in which "… the body from the anus to the navel is contracted and lifted up and toward the spine" (BKS Iyengar: Light on Yoga). Among other effects, Mulabandhasana helps mobilize hips, ankles, knees and toes.

Each class costs £20. If you would like to attend, please email info@tiys.co.uk and we will contact you about payment. Sessions will be limited to 50 participants.


Yoga for a Woman's Life Part 2: Online Workshop with YogaWest, UK

Saturday September 5 at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT (2:00 - 5:00 pm UK time)

By popular demand, Bobby has agreed to teach an extension workshop called Yoga for a Woman's Life Part 2, where she will cover some more aspects of womanhood, and include some of the poses we didn't have time for in Part 1. There will be more of a focus on menopause and the years that follow, including how to adapt poses for older yoga practitioners, taking time to include inversions, and forward bends.

0117 924 3330
Register at: yogawest.co.uk

Online Women's Workshop

Saturday, August 29 — Sunday, August 30

Yoga for The Stages of a Woman's Life

Saturday 29th
An Overview: We will begin by taking a look at how yoga should be practiced throughout out our lives, from childhood, through puberty, pregnancy, menopause, post menopause and beyond.

9:00 am – 12:00 noon (EDT)
Maintaining a Cyclically Responsive Practice: Since a whole month's practice yields results during menstruation itself, we need to know how to synchronize our practice with the hormonal ups and downs of the month. Bobby shows us how to maintain a cyclically responsive practice that boosts fertility, keeps our menstrual cycles healthy and regular and draws us back to nature's laws. This session will include premenstrual and postmenstrual practices, and will deal with common menstrual problems.

2:00 – 5:00 pm
Yoga for Menopause and Beyond: Navigating the Midlife Changes. Just as physical and psychological disturbances occur when menstruation begins, you have to face them again at menopause. Although this is a critical period of adjustment, a balanced practice can transform menopause into a positive and meaningful experience. In this workshop, we adjust Yoga poses to a women's needs, whether she is approaching menopause, or is in post menopause.

The Standing Poses build strength and endurance and give us a good foundation for all of the other poses. Allowing the weight to pass through the bones is essential for skeletal health. These poses build stamina, confidence and robust good health.

Sunday 30th
9:00 am – 12:00 noon (EDT)
Supported Backbends stimulate the adrenal glands and ovaries which helps produce estrogen. They lift mood and help us deal with low energy, and feelings of loneliness, emptiness and depression. In addition, these poses energize the nervous system, boost circulation throughout the body and give us courage.

2:00 – 5:00 pm (EDT)
Restorative Poses and Pranayama: We will learn to navigate this transition with the Supine poses, which induce muscular release and reduce tension, Forward Extensions which help us deal with mental lethargy and hot flashes, and Breathing Exercises which calm the nerves, bring emotional balance, and enhance the function of the endocrine system.

Yoga with Susan Elena


Online Weekend Workshop with Iyengar Yoga Association of the Upper Midwest (IYAUM)

One year of Iyengar yoga experience recommended.

Finding your Balance: between Strength and Flexibility and Expansion and Inner Calm.

Saturday, August 22
10:00 am – 1:00 pm CDT (11:00 am – 2:00 pm EDT)
The Standing poses/ Healthy Hips: Standing Poses build strength and endurance, giving us a good foundation for all of the other asanas. In this class we will focus on the hip opening poses.

2:30 - 5:00 pm CDT (3:30 - 6:00 pm EDT)
Sitting Poses and Side Stretch Poses: You are as vital and vibrant as your spine is flexible. By combining lateral spinal extensions with spinal rotations, Bobby will take us through a practice that rejuvenates the spine and invigorates and refreshes the entire body.

Sunday, August 23
9:00 – 11:30 am CDT (10:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT)
Propping Your Back Bends: When practicing the backbends, holding patterns can often prevent us from stretching the entire length of the front body or connecting to the mysterious intricacies of the back body. In this workshop we will use props to provide the support necessary to fully lift the chest and opening our internal space.

12:30 – 3:00 pm
Restorative Asana and Pranayama: Bobby offers breathing practices that are soothing, settling and profound. This pranayama class is suitable for the less experienced student as well as the on-going practitioner. We will work progressively and learn the fundamentals of a safe, and secure practice.

Contact: Nancy Marcy


Online Yoga Spinal Traction Workshop

Sunday, August 16
12:30–3:00 pm EST

Spinal Traction
This workshop takes us into an asana practice that will elongate, lengthen and decompress your spine. We will also explore strategies to strengthen the back muscles, help improve and maintain healthy movement, improve overall posture, and re-educate how the back is used.

Samamkaya Yoga
Back Care & Scoliosis Collective

Register at www.samamkayabackcare.com
Tel: 646 964 5772

Yoga for Peri and Post Menopause with Bobby Clennell

Live online workshop. Appropriate for Certified Iyengar Yoga Teachers (CIYTs), those wishing to become CIYTs and all other serious students of yoga.

This workshop is eligible for continuing education credit with the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) as well as IYNAUS.

Saturdays and Sundays: July 11 & 12, 18 & 19, and 25 & 26, 2020

Presenting three weekends (six classes) devoted to the subject of menopause. Menopause is a critical period of adjustment. As women face physical and psychological disturbances that occur when menstruation begins, women face challenges again at menopause. We will learn how to guide ourselves and our students through the shifting landscape of this transition with asanas and sequences to calm the nerves and bring emotional and hormonal balance. We will also explore the challenges and rewards of post–menopause.

Weekend 1

Workshop #1: Intro and Standing Poses Saturday July 11th 12-2pm Pacific. 3 – 5pm EST
Required for attendance in any of the other workshop classes. Bobby begins with a brief talk on how yoga can be adjusted for the various phases of life, from childhood, through puberty, the childbearing years and possible pregnancy, postpartum, menopause, post-menopause, early old age and advanced old age. We will address pelvic organ-prolapse, abdominal tension which can cause hot flashes, and incontinence. Also covered: pneumonia, irritability, fibroids, mental lethargy, fatigue, heat, coughs and colds. Allowing weight to pass through the bones is essential for skeletal health. Once menopause is over, it is time to recover the sharpness of the practice and to develop strength and endurance. In this class we also learn how to address sciatica pain, osteoporosis, arthritis and stiffness.

Workshop #2: Seated Forward Extensions Sunday July 12th 12-2pm Pacific. 3 – 5 EST
We will learn how to keep the head and body cool; soothe the nerves, reduce hot flashes and night sweats, deal with migraine headaches, high blood pressure, irritability, and anxiety. These poses also prevent insomnia and restore endocrine system balance. 

Weekend 2 

Workshop #3: Twists and Back Bends Saturday July 18th 12pm-2pm Pacific. 3 – 5pm EST
Here we learn how to use twisting asanas to address digestive upsets, lower back aches and stiffness as well as how to use back bends to stimulate the adrenals and estrogen production. In addition, back bends help manage energy levels, and feelings of loneliness, emptiness and depression. Bobby will teach a practice that strengthens the immune system and promotes lymphatic drainage around breast tissue in addition to energizing the nervous system and fostering courage. 

Workshop #4: Inversions Sunday July 19th 12-2pm Pacific. 3 -5pm EST
While inversions will be addressed throughout the six workshops, in this segment we take a closer look at the important practice of inverted asanas. Inversions influence your hormones more than any other asana category. They also bring harmony between the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and ovarian glands, thereby maintaining hormone balance. Issues covered in this class include a post-menstrual practice, incontinence, loss of confidence and weight gain. Bobby will explain how to make inversions the pillar of your practice

Weekend 3 

Workshop #5: Wide Leg Poses Saturday July 25th 12-2pm Pacific. 3 – 5pm EST
The hip and groin opening asanas support the health of the pelvic region and reproductive system. This workshop will cover practices to help check an excessive or prolonged menstrual flow, mobilize stiff hips, and deal with groin, knee, and ankle problems, including swelling in the feet and ankles. 

Workshop #6: Restorative Poses Sunday July 26th 12-2pm Pacific. 3 -5pm EST
This workshop teaches the all-important restorative poses that remove the fatigue and lethargy caused by insomnia. These poses also revive one from physical and mental exhaustion, emotional depletion, stress, and a disturbed nervous system. Bobby will also teach soothing, settling breathing practices. 

Pricing Note: All participants must take the Intro class/Workshop #1. You may either attend Workshop #1 live at 12 noon (PST) on Saturday July 11 or purchase the recording. 

Entire series of 6 workshops $150
Weekend 1 (includes Intro) $75
Weekend 2 + Intro $115
Weekend 3 + Intro $115
Intro class + 1 other workshop $80
Intro class + 2 other workshops $120 

Payment You may pay at PayPal.me/IYTworkshops Please indicate in the notes on PayPal which classes you plan to attend, or send an email to info@iyengaryogatherapeutics.com listing the classes. Make sure that the email address you use for PayPal is the one you want to use for communication with IYT. If not, provide the correct email in the PayPal notes. The fees are non-refundable. 

YogawestYoga for a Woman's Life: Online Workshop

Saturday July 4 at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm EDT (2:00 - 5:00 pm UK time)

Using a wide range of yoga poses, Bobby will take us through the various phases of a woman's life, showing how to adapt our practice according to our age. Come prepared to be 5 years old! Can you remember yourself as a teenager? Even if you have never been pregnant, experience it now with some yoga for pregnancy poses. Postpartum? We will practice as if you had just given birth. Are you under the impression that menopause will never happen? Get a taste of a menopause practice with some carefully selected poses, and the same with post-menopause. Practice being elderly – it's not so bad! – with some of the poses I used to watch Guruji do in his later years.

Men welcome! Come find your inner woman.

0117 924 3330
Register at: yogawest.co.uk

Studio Yoga Madison logoOnline Women's Workshop Series: Bobby Clennell and Iyengar Yogashala, China

Live – Online on VooV. Simultaneous translation into Chinese.

11:30 am – 12:30 pm (UK). 6:30 – 7:30 am EST (New York). 18:30 – 19:30 (China).

A WOMEN'S WORKSHOP. Bobby Clennell presents eight one-hour classes on how to develop a yoga practice that responds to your own personal cycle as opposed to one that is outwardly programmed. Yoga practitioners may notice more acutely the ups and downs of energy and mood throughout the month. By navigating the entire month's hormonal fluctuations with specific asanas, you will promote vibrant good health and maintain emotional stability.

Saturday June 6: A Menstrual Practice: Learn how to stick to a practice that keeps you healthy, does not disturb the menstrual flow and ensures you get the rest you need.

Sunday June 7: A Scanty Flow: Light periods are often indicative of depletion. Learn the poses that restore your overall energetic balance.

Saturday June 13: Learn practices that reduce an Excessive Menstrual Flow, whether caused by stress, or problems such as endometriosis, fibroids or menopause. We will also discuss how to deal with Menstrual Cramps.

Sunday June 14: If you rush into a strong yoga practice immediately after your period ends, you're aren't paying attention or being sensitive to your monthly cycle. After your period, a Post Menstrual Sequence ensures a smooth transition from menstruation to the rest of the month.

Saturday June 20: Following the Hormonal Rhythm: Your Regular Monthly yoga practice yields results during menses. After the post menstrual practice, learn poses which help with the slow build-up of energy toward the mid-point of the month. Around Days 21 and 22, and, you may be getting get stiff again. Learn to listen to your body!

Sunday June 21: Pre-Menstrual Tension: Women should try not to 'push through' this phase. Practice poses that restore depleted adrenal glands, stabilize emotions, defuse anxiety and keep mood swings under control.

Saturday, July 4: Migraine Headaches are three times more common in women than in men and are often triggered by hormonal fluctuations. Learn practices that cool the head and body, soothe the nerves, quiet the mind, prevent insomnia, restore endocrine system balance and reduce headaches.

Sunday July 5: Pranayama: Bobby offers emotionally soothing breathing practices for women that are also accessible and mentally calming.

For information and to register: Cherise Qiu: cheriseqiu@iyengar.cn

Price: $145.00 for all eight classes
Single class $23.00
Download the VooV app here.

Studio Yoga Madison logoOnline Workshop: Bobby Clennell and Studio Yoga Madison celebrate International Yoga Day

Sunday, June 21 at 1:00 – 3:00 pm EST (6:00 – 8:00 pm UK time)

Join us online for an asana and pranayama practice in the company of many others around the world!

We will begin with a practice that promotes ease and freedom in the Chest, Upper Back and Shoulders, and supports breast, lung and heart health, followed by a long Savasana. (75 minutes)

Bobby will then take us through a calming, cooling Pranayama session. (45 minutes)

Although we are separated by the current global pandemic, remember — As Geeta Iyengar said: "We will eat together, we will be together, and we will carry on this knowledge without having any kind of jealousy, malice, or any kind of klesa (affliction) within us. With purity of the mind, we will carry on the knowledge with our teaching process. And that is how, even if we are living on this earth in different areas, we have to maintain that feeling that we are always together." — Geeta Iyengar. Opening Remarks, Yoganusasanam, December 2014.

Studio Yoga Madison
Online Workshop — register at studioyogamadison.com


Introducing Online Classes and Workshops

Classes and workshops can be joined from anywhere in the world.

General Class (level 1 & 2, and beginners welcome). Mondays: 8:45 am – 10:00 am EST (1:45 pm – 3:00 pm UK time).
Restorative Class (All levels of experience, beginners welcome). Saturdays: 3:15 pm – 4:45pm EST (8:15 pm – 9:45 pm UK time).
Register at: iyengarnyc.org

Three-hour online workshop from Samamkaya : Spinal Health. Sunday, May 31, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon EST (2:00 – 5:00 pm UK time). Register at: samamkayabackcare.com. Bobby will focus on poses that strengthen back muscles, help improve and maintain healthy movement, make space between the intervertabral discs, and re-educate how the back is used.

Two-hour online workshop from Studio Yoga Madison: Side Stretch Poses. Saturday, June 6, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Est. (3:30 – 5:30 pm UK time). Register at: studioyogamadison.com. You are as vital and vibrant as your spine is flexible. Dispel mental tension and elevate your emotions by first lifting and creating space in the chest, and thencombining the lateral spinal extensions with spinal rotations. Students must register at least 1 hour before the workshop in order to get the zoom invitation. studioyogamadison.com/side-stretch-poses-with-bobby-clennell Contact:staff@studioyogamadison.com





Planning on traveling to Pune? Don't forget to download the 2020-21 Pune Guide, now available in English, Spanish, and French.

A limited number of autographed copies of my now out-of-print children's picture book Watch Me Do Yoga are available on the Watch Me Do Yoga facebook page for orders within the US. If you are outside the US and would like to buy a copy, please send me an email.





Planning on traveling to Pune? Don't forget to download the 2017 Pune Guide, now available in English, Spanish, and French.

wyA Hungarian language edition of my book, The Woman's Yoga Book has recently been published by Filosz-Humán Bt. Forrai Réka wrote the following about her experiences translating the book:

My copy of the Women's Yoga Book is worn: it had seen coffee and tea, chocolate and strawberry, it gathered dust and mango stains in India and grass and raindrops in my garden in Denmark. It has been with me on beaches and airports, in cafés and restaurants, and, of course, on (and under) my yoga mat.

The reason for this is that I have translated Bobby's book into Hungarian. I did this on the side, so it took me over a year to finish it. I have often used it's sequences for my practice and teaching beforehand, but when I started the translation project, I decided that for the entire time it will take me to translate the book, I will build my whole practice on its guidelines. I thought the more intimate my knowledge of the book, the better the translation will be.

I did this mostly in these ways:

  1. I identified and practiced the sequences that best suited my own cycle: as it was always pretty random and abundant, I used the sequences for excessive and irregular menstruation.
  2. I always practiced the post-menstrual sequence for 3 days after my period.
  3. I tried to let my monthly cycle to guide my practice: I gradually proceeded towards more challenging poses as I was getting closer to ovulation and inversely, aimed to unwind as I headed towards menstruation.
  4. In between periods: Inversions, inversions, inversions!
  5. I tried to follow some of the lifestyle advices of the book as well: for example, I tried to stay home and quiet at least on the first day of my period, and use this time for reflecting ad relaxing.

This experiment turned out to be a transformative experience.

I am an Iyengar yoga teacher and practitioner for 9 years so it is no surprise to me that Iyengar yoga "works". Still, when after 6-7 month my cycle started changing, I was amazed and delighted. Not only had it gradually become much more regular but also shorter with significantly reduced blood loss. Before, I used to have a cycle anywhere between 27 to 35 days, with a menstruation that went on for 8 days. Now, my cycle is almost always 29 days, it lasts maximum 6 days, and I would say I loose maybe 1/3 less blood than I did before.

And changes didn't stop at the physiological level. Once my cycle got into 'alignment' , my trust in the cyclicality of all things in life deepened with it. As my body got tuned to be in harmony with the up-and-down, begin-end-begin rhythms of nature, my mind opened to them too.

The translation is now done, but the book stays my lifelong friend.

— Forrai Réka

ybcMy newest book, Yoga for Breast Care has just been published by Rodmell Press. Here is an interview I did with YogaDork:

YD Interview with Bobby Clennell on Yoga, Breast Care, and Our Connection to 'Planetary Consciousness'

ybcFrom the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York:

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and thanks to the generosity of our community and an anonymous donor, we've raised more than $4,500 to fund our weekly Breast Health Class.

Donate today to help us reach our goal of $6,000!

The Breast Health Class is offered free-of-charge and is one of our most powerful and rewarding programs. Over the years, we've witnessed many who are affected by breast cancer experience the profound therapeutic benefits of Iyengar Yoga, reporting increased energy, reduced inflammation, better sleep, and the healing effects of a strong, supportive community.

This wonderful program is made possible only through the support of our donors.

Donate TODAY to keep the class free to the community. Don't miss this opportunity to support the Breast Health Class, and extend the profound healing benefits of Iyengar Yoga to so many others.

Visit YogaDork to read my article My Journey with Guruji: Lessons and Reflections From 40 Years of Practice with B.K.S. Iyengar

Thank you to Richard Jonas for sharing his life-sketch of B.K.S. Iyengar.

B.K.S. Iyengar

The life and work of Yogacharya B. K.S. Iyengar are of epic proportions.

Sri Iyengar is credited with bringing the ancient art of yoga into the modern world. His extensive demonstrations and teachings planted the seeds for the phenomenal flowering of yoga in the West over the last 30 years, while also winning innumerable converts around the world – including in India, where yoga began.

The method he refined for eight decades is one of the world's most widely-practiced yogas, with Iyengar Yoga institutes and associations, teachers and students in 77 countries around the world — while each morning he reaffirmed his lifelong commitment to yoga with his own personal practice, surrounded and observed by generations of his admiring students, at the method's mother institute in Pune.

Mr. Iyengar died August 20 in Pune aged 95, after a brief illness.

His seminal Light on Yoga, first published in 1966 and continually in print since, is the Bible of yoga for teachers and students of all methods. His 2005 international bestseller Light on Life summed up a lifetime of teaching and practice, advising readers on the journey to wholeness, inner peace and ultimate freedom. And he continued to publish: his most recent work, Core of the Yoga Sutras, was released in 2012.

Well into his 95th year, he continued to teach around the world. In 2005 he led an International Yoga Conference sponsored by Yoga Journal magazine in Estes Park, Colorado, in the United States. His groundbreaking journeys to Russia, where he taught in Moscow in 2009, and to China, where he taught in Guangzhou in 2011, sparked the burgeoning interest in yoga in these countries.

Called the "Michelangelo of yoga" and the "king of yogis," included in Time magazine's global list of the world's 100 most influential people and — only the most recent of his dozens of honors — named a recipient of the Padma Vibhushan, the second highest civil award in India, B. K. S. Iyengar, universally acknowledged as the world's greatest yoga teacher, remained its most knowledgeable and respected practitioner.

Mr. Iyengar pioneered countless innovative ideas during his eight decades of teaching; perhaps the most revolutionary is that yoga is for everyone. With this in mind, he developed and refined a complete array of yoga props, including ropes, belts and blocks, which allow practitioners of all ages and levels of fitness to achieve correct alignment, a deeper penetration into the posture as well as a longer stay, helping them to experience the state of Meditation in Action. It is Mr. Iyengar's unique perspective that the yoga asanas (postures) and Pranayamas (control of the breath) can be a template to explore and experience each of the other limbs of Astanga Yoga, including those of the Innermost Journey.

"Iyengar" is officially recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary with this definition: "Noun: A type of Hatha Yoga focusing on the correct alignment of the body, making use of straps, wooden blocks, and other objects nas aids in achieving the correct postures. Origin: Named after B. K. S. Iyengar (born 1918), the India yoga teacher who devised this method."

For residents of Bellur, the definition following the name B.K.S. Iyengar might well be "benefactor".

Over the last decade, he led a transformation of his ancestral village, building a free hospital, water treatment facilities, India's first temple dedicated to Patanjali, and a free school which supplies uniforms, books and a hot lunch, not just to the children of Bellur but to those of surrounding villages. In addition to the primary school, he also established a secondary school and a tertiary college.

It was in Bellur that Yogacarya Iyengar's glorious life story had its humble beginning.

There he was born, into a large family and a poor one, on December 14, 1918. The village is located in the Kolar District of Karnataka, India. The family migrated to Bangalore in 1923; his father died in 1927.

At the young age of fifteen, Sri Iyengar went to Mysore to be initiated into yoga by his brother-in-law, the well-known yoga scholar and adept, Prof. T. Krishnamacharya.

Though weak and sickly, Iyengar immersed himself totally in yoga practice, so much so that he had to discontinue his school studies at matriculation level in 1936. He suffered tortured nerves and bruised muscles but gained proficiency in a large number of yoga asanas (postures) in an incredibly short time, going on to perform a number of yoga demonstrations and successfully complete a yoga teaching assignment for faculty members and their families at Karnataka College, Dharwar. After receiving a diploma in yoga from Sri Krishnamacharya, he began teaching classes in Hubli and Dharwar in 1935.

Dr. V. B. Gokhale, civil surgeon and yoga enthusiast, arranged for him to join the Deccan Gymkhana in Pune as a yoga instructor in 1937, but that small but steady income came to an end in 1940. He began teaching yoga privately in Pune, but financial insecurity pursued him through his marriage in 1943 to Shrimati Ramamani.

In time, however, his reputation as a yoga expert and therapist grew, and more and more students sought his help. In 1948 he taught Sri J. Krishnamurthi, who described him as the best teacher; their association continued for two decades. Swami Shivananda of Rishikesh granted him the title of Yogi Raja. Distinguished pupils included Indian national leaders Sri Jayaprakash Narayan, Sri Achyutrao Patwardhan and others.

In 1952 celebrated violinist Yehudi Menuhin met Sri Iyengar, whom he describes as "my guru in yoga" and "my best violin teacher". Though Menuhin was eager to introduce the teacher who had helped him overcome numerous health problems to the West, Iyengar was only able to visit Europe two years later.

It was the start of scores of trips to all corners of the world.

In 1954 he began teaching in Bombay.

Iyengar's comprehensive Light on Yoga, published in 1966 and hailed by critics as "the best book in English on hatha yoga" and "A superb volume, unlikely to be superseded", remains the classic guide to yoga. It has been translated into seventeen Indian and foreign languages; more than three million copies have been sold.

His second book, Light on Pranayama, was published in 1981, and a third, The Art of Yoga, in 1985. The Tree Of Yoga appeared in 1988. Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali was published in 1993, and the "Light on … " series also includes Light on Astanga Yoga (1999). Yoga Wisdom and Practice was published in 2009 in English and Yaugika Manas in 2010.

Just three days after laying the foundation stone of the yoga institute in Pune in 1973, his wife suddenly died. The Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute was named in tribute to her. For four decades it has served as the world's foremost seat of yogic learning and a center of yoga pilgrimage for students and teachers from around the world. It was here that, each morning, Mr. Iyengar, known to his students as "Guruji", renewed his commitment to the practice of yoga.

Over the years, as Mr. Iyengar's teachings and travels continued, the honors accorded him multiplied, including honorary doctorates from the Medicina Alternativa Institute, affiliated with the Open International University for Complementary Medicine; the University of Mysore; the Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth, Pune; the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, and most recently from the Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusadhana Samsthanam, Deemed University.

In 1991, he received the Padma Shri award from the government of India. The Padma Bhushan award followed in 2002. On Republic Day, Jan. 26, 2014, he was awarded the prestigious Padma Vibhushana, officially conferred at a formal ceremony in March in New Delhi.

In 1971, Mr. Iyengar introduced yoga in the London Educational Auditorium in the United Kingdom. In 1982, at the invitation of the Educational Department of the UK, he participated in the Festival of India in London. Two years later, he returned to London to inaugurate the lyengar Yoga Institute there, and Iyengar Yoga continues to gain adherents throughout the UK.

In 1985 he was invited by French President Jacques Chirac, then mayor of Paris, to the Festival of India in France.

His memorable lecture-demonstration at Harvard University in Boston, drew attention and devotees from across the United States, and was acclaimed as "an experience that comes rarely in one's life." The event inspired the creation of a monumental sculpture, "After Iyengar" and were followed by the First International lyengar Yoga Convention held in San Francisco.

Iyengar has been the subject of many filmed tributes. The Film and Television Institute of India produced a 22-minute tribute, Samadhi, which earned the Silver Lotus Award. The film Guruji, which depicted his heroic struggle from poverty and failure to prosperity and success was released in 1985. A follow-up to Guruji the Life of BKS Iyengar came in Leap of Faith, released on his 90th Birthday.

Additional essential publications include Body the Shrine, Yoga Thy Light, a commemorative volume published for his 60th birthday in 1978 by the Yoga Research Trust, Bombay, and a 1990 commemorative, 70 Glorious Years of Yogacharya BKS Iyengar. In 1991, Iyengar: His Life and Work was published. On his 82nd birthday the first of an eight-volume project collecting yogic knowledge and experiential wisdom, Astadala Yogamala, was released, with other volumes following every few years. Yog Sarvansathi, published in 2001, is in the Marathi language.

All over the world, Iyengar Yoga, a method which transcends caste, creed and race, and brings the benefits of yoga to people of all ages and physical capabilities, continues to grow and prosper. Hundreds of lyengar Yoga institutes, centers and studios train students and teachers in the method in all parts of the world including his native India (with centers in cities including Bangalore, Bombay, Delhi, Madras, Dehra Dun and Rishikesh), Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, France, Germany, lreland, lsrael, ltaly, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Lestho, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Republic of Czech and Slovenia, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, the Ukraine, Uzbekistan Zimbabwe and others.

Mr. Iyengar received other major Indian awards including the Rajyotsava Award (1988) and the Patañjali Award of the Government of Karnataka (1990), the All India Vasistha Award (1991) and a gold medal for outstanding contribution in the field of yoga education from the All India Board of Alternative Medicine. In 2012, The Times of India included him in a list of the greatest men of India, after Mahatma Gandhi. In 2013, he received the Mother Teresa Sadbhavana Award for outstanding achievements in the field of yoga from the Indian Solidarity Council, New Delhi.

Over the years, Mr. Iyengar's birthday celebrations highlighted his ongoing mastery of his subject and the dedication of his students. In 1993, for his 75th birthday, he conducted mega-classes in the US (750 students), Canada (250 students), Bombay (300 students) and Bangalore (300 students). More than 1,050 delegates representing 33 countries attended the mega-class at the Crystal Palace in London. In December 1998, The Light on Yoga Research Trust celebrated Gurujî's 80th Birthday with a 10-day festival near Pune; more than 700 followers attended. During the celebrations, the Arsa Vidya Gurukulam conferred upon him the title of Arsa-Kula-Sresthah for his achievements in introducing yoga all over the world using innovative teaching methods without compromising its classical form. Similar celebrations marked his 90th birthday and his 95th, in January of 2014.

In 1999, the Prime Minister of India, His Excellency Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, visited the Pune Institute in its Silver Jubilee year. The Prime Minister was shown a demonstration of yoga ãsanas, and Mr. Iyengar explained the development of yoga as therapy for various ailments as well as the innovative the use of props which distinguishes the method.

Sri Iyengar was included in many national, Asian and international lists and directories of prominent personalities and achievers. Among them are the International Directory of Distinguished Leadership, 500 Leaders of Influence of the Twentieth Century, the Dictionary of International Biography and 2000 Outstanding People of the Twentieth Century. A 2008 story named him one of India's "Influentials," the people who impact the country, calling him an "ageless wonder. If the world does Pranayama [ yogic breathing ] today, the credit goes to him." It continued: "His long life is proof of the restorative effects of yoga."

In 2011, Guruji met His Holiness the Dalai Lama for a discussion moderated by Shi. Rajiv Mehrotra; the DVD Path to Happiness records this historic occasion.

On the eve of the ceremony of being awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 2014, Guruji was found in the practice hall of his Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute where he continued to practice daily and, surrounded by his students, to teach and guide the coming generations in yoga. It is these many many teachers and practitioners of yoga who mourn his loss and commit themselves to keeping alive his bright, vibrant legacy of yoga.

— Richard Jonas

I recently did an interview on It's All Yoga Baby on how yoga can benefits all phases of a woman's cycle and life. Click here to listen.

Sadhaka: the yoga of BKS Iyengar

Evening event at the Iyengar Yoga Institute

Saturday, October 26, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

After 3 years of filming, a feature documentary on the practice, life and influence of B.K.S. Iyengar from award winning director Jake Clennell is currently in post-production editing. Come to the New York Iyengar Institute for a report on the progress of the film, a talk and Q&A with Sadhaka director Jake Clennell and executive producer Lindsey Clennell, and a screening of the trailer. They will also be screening new footage including an interview with BKS Iyengar's granddaughter Abhijata, and scenes from the medical class.

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Greater New York
150 W 22nd Street
New York, NY


Sadhaka: the yoga of BKS Iyengar is a feature documentary about BKS Iyengar's practice, life and influence from award winning director Jake Clennell. After three years of filming in India, this film is now in post–production editing.

If you missed your chance to donate to help complete the film the first time around, the Sadhaka team has just set up a new way to give. They are continuing to offer some of the perks from the previous fundraising effort, including a DVD copy of the film when it is complete for a donation of $50.


Iyengar Yoga Comes to Brooklyn

Announcing the opening of the Iyengar Yoga Assiciation of Greater New York's new Institute in Brooklyn. All level classes, workshops, events and more!

Iyengar Yoga Institute of Brooklyn
525 Pacific Street, 2nd floor
Brooklyn, NY 11217
718 875 7300

Click here for class schedule.

Sadhaka: the yoga of BKS Iyengar — a feature documentary by Jake Clennell is one step closer to being finished. A fundraising effort supporting the editing of the film has been announced on Indiegogo. Watch the extended trailer — 22 minutes of what will be a 90 minute film — donate if you can, and share this link.

You can also follow the progress of the film at Sadhakafilm.net and on Facebook.

Check out my latest blog post from my trip to Jakarta:

Intertwining Elements, Kosas, Chakras and Vayus, plus Baby Back Bends and Side Stretch

A lot was covered in my four day workshop in Jakarta. In the first four classes we explored the elements and koshas, which included standing poses (anamayer kosa, earth), jumpings (pranamaya kosa, water), twists and backbends on the ropes (element of fire, manomaya kosa), and inversions and pranayama (vignaomaya kosa, air and anandamaya kosa, ether)…

read more

Congratulations to the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York on 25 years of bringing the teachings of BKS Iyengar to the city. Read IYAGNY director James Murphy's letter, and see photos from the celebration here.

I've started a new online monthly yoga series for 2012. Click here to get started and be sure to check back each month.

Here’s a sneak preview of the last of the four Yoga Rahasya covers that I designed this year. The front cover depicts Patanjali. I painted it many years ago as background material for my animated short Yoga Yantra. As it turned out, I did not take Yoga Yantra to complete color production, so this painting was never used. I’m happy now that it’s found a good home.

I took this photo, used on the back cover of Yoga Rahasya, in my garden in New York.

Painting and photo © 2011 Bobby Clennell

Yoga Rahasya is a quarterly publication of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), Pune and the Light on Yoga Research Trust, Mumbai, India. It was a great honor to be asked to design the (four) covers for this year.

Here is the third cover. I took this photo at Mulchi Lake, Pune, in 2010.

Click here to check out my new blog post:

Adjusting a student during my 2011 Punta Gorda workshop.

One of the highlights of this year's Mary Dunn Celebration - Yogathon is sure to be the Children's Class, 12:30 - 1:00 pm, Sunday, June 5.

The kids in your life — ages three to eight — will love this fun, active class, taught by Senior Teacher Bobby Clennell, author of the children's yoga book, Watch Me Do Yoga.

Register now to save your place and pay just $20; same-day registration, if space is available, will be $25.

Parents, grandparents, godparents, friends — bring the kid in your life, then stay on for the other exciting Yogathon events, refreshments, our Raffle drawing and more! We look forward to seeing you there!

Registration for this and all the day's classes is available on the Yogathon page at the Iyengar Yoga Association of Greater New York website, click here.

Yoga Rahasya is a quarterly publication of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI), Pune and the Light on Yoga Research Trust, Mumbai, India. It was a great honor to be asked to design the (four) covers for this year.

Here are the first two. The first corresponded with Annual day — sometimes known as Institute day – and the second with Hanuman Jayanti. The third will come out later this year on Guru Purnima, and the forth on Patanjali Jayanti.

Read more about Yoga Rahasya on my blog.

Book Signing and Children's Yoga Class

I'll be at Posman Books on Tuesday, November 16 signing my new children's picture book, Watch Me Do Yoga.

4 - 4.30 P.M. Free children's yoga class
4.30 - 5 P.M. Book signing

Posman Books, Chelsea Market
75 9th Ave
New York, NY 10011

Come early! There is only room for 15 children! Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

Exciting News!

My first children's picture book is available now and it's already been reviewed!

Watch Me Do Yoga is an engaging new children's book by Iyengar yoga teacher and illustrator Bobby Clennell. I submitted the book to a rigorous critique from an actual child. To see what my household's resident five-year-old thought, read my Watch Me Do Yoga review. —Ann Pizer, About.com

Published by Rodmell Press, click Watch Me Do Yoga to order on Amazon.

Available Now.

Three classes from a workshop that I taught in May at Studio Bamboo Institute of Yoga, Virginia Beach, are available as an audio download from iHanuman.

The three classes—Menopause, Backbends, and Inversions—are accompanied by my illustrations which take you through the poses as a downloadable pdf file.

Watch free video clips from these classes at the iHanuman.com website.

Exciting News!

My first children's picture book is due out on September 1. Published by Rodmell Press, click Watch Me Do Yoga to pre-order on Amazon.

Exciting News!

The Women's Yoga Book has been translated into Hebrew. You can order it here from Focus Books in Israel.

Pose of the Month now includes a medical benefits section

Provided that it is practiced regularly, yoga is an effective way of maintaining health. It can also be a compliment to medical treatment and aid recovery from illness.

I am running my Pose of the Month , now expanded, for another 12 months. By December, 2010, the completed twelve poses will make up a sequence that is appropriate for beginners and experienced students alike. It will begin with a warming pose to stretch and prepare you for the session. The body of the sequence will include standing poses to build strength and stamina, inversions to boost immunity and hormone balance and a forward bend to calm and cool the mind. The sequence finishes with a resting pose. Each pose is now accompanied with a description of its medical benefits. You can also find these posted at drfranklipman.com.

Enjoy your practice!

The Art of Yoga: Yoga and the Arts
Yoga Samachar, vol. 13, no. 2
Fall 2009/Winter 2010


enLIGHTened. How I Lost 40 Pounds with a Yoga Mat, Fresh Pineapples, and a Beagle-Pointer. Jessica Berger Gross. Illustrations by Bobby Clennell.

Little did I guess when I first met Jessica in my prenatal class, that the journey leading to her pregnancy had been so cathartic and so special.

In this book Jessica tells the tale of that journey that took her from unhappiness and out of control eating to self- acceptance, health and personal peace. After years of struggling with fluctuating weight, she took her first yoga class and her world changed.

Never preachy, Jessica has walked the walk, and therein lays the power of this personal memoir. She skillfully and wittily weaves stories of her own personal struggles, sound information, recipes, and yoga poses into a rich and extremely readable commentary. Into this mix I was pleased to have contributed the yoga illustrations.

All women will recognize something of themselves in this inspiring and compassionate book.

"YogaCity NYC is New York's premiere yoga newssite and directory.
On YogaCity NYC, you'll find event listings, classes, workshops, news, class reviews, recommendations, interviews and feature articles about our urban lifestyle; from every corner of all five boroughs."


Spent: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again.
Frank Lipman, M.D. Simon and Schustercisco

Health experts and doctors have been extolling the benefits of exercise and a sensible diet for many years now, but it’s not so easy to process the mountain of information out there or to follow up on it. Now Dr. Frank Lipman in his new book, Spent: End Exhaustion and Feel Great Again, has a way of getting you to do it. Dr. Lipman, whose spirit and wisdom are grounded in thirty years of medical practice inspires and encourages us to stay on track. His easy to follow 6-week program is designed to reunite our individual patterns of behavior with the pulses and rhythms of nature.
One of the biggest issues that people face in our fast moving society is exhaustion. We eat on the run in order to keep up our busy schedule. We also suffer from anxiety, information overload and physical disconnect. Dr. Lipman with his personal blend of Western and alternative medicine presents a wealth of practical advice on staying healthy and balanced in a not too healthy world. When he talks about the bad effects of sugar prevalent in much of our breakfast foods, he pulls no punches. “No sugar means no pancakes, French toast, bagels, muffins, most cereals, or toast”. He offers a list of tasty smoothies and other alternatives for this the most important meal of the day.

As well as diet Dr. Lipman offers cutting edge information on such diverse subjects as supplements, sleep, music and restorative yoga. Listed are the toxic ingredients contained in cosmetics and other every day items that most of us have in our bathrooms. Who knew that these substances, banned in Europe are still being used in most products sold in the U.S?

This is a must have book for anyone interested in restoring health, balance and sanity to their frazzled life.


Bobby Clennell

Read an excerpt from The Women’s Yoga Book: Asana and Pranayama for All Phases of the Menstrual Cycle, Chapter 13: “For The Days After your period: New Beginnings”, now posted on the Iyengar Yoga National Association US website (www.iynaus.org).

The Iyengar Yoga National Association of the United States (IYNAUS) store is now offering retail sales in addition to wholesale purchases.

The Store is the importer of books and media published in India, written by the Iyengar family, the teachers at RIMYI (Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune), and other senior Iyengar teachers in India. Blankets, belts and eyewraps from India are also sold by the store. Other unique products specific to the Iyengar community are available including documentary media from conferences held in the United States taught by B.K.S. Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar.

The newest books available through the IYNAUS Store are authored by selected Iyengar teachers in the United States. The Woman’s Yoga Book: Asana and Pranayama For All Phases of The Menstrual Cycle can be ordered by telephone at 720-565-6885 10-3 pm mountain time with a credit card or with a check by mail order or from the online store: www.iynaus.org/store/item.php?id=115

For enquiries, email bobbiefultz@gmail.com
Direct telephone contact with a sales person and email correspondence for the IYNAUS Store will continue to be available.

Roadside Shrine

Pink Tree on the steps up to Parvaratti temple

Ganesh shrine at Parvaratti temple


Much thanks toNorma Colon for organizing two workshops and book signings for The Woman's Yoga Book. These two happy events, the first held in June 24th and the second on June 26 were hosted by the upper east side studio, MonQi Fitness.

A Celebration of Woman's Yoga and Bobby's New Book!

On May 13, 2007, Bobby Clennell taught a benefit Woman's Yoga class for the Iyengar Institute of Greater New York. It was followed by a book signing to celebrate the publication of her new book, The Woman's Yoga Book. It was a great success and we thank everyone who came. For those of you who could not, here's a peek at the haps!

Designed by Celine Damonte for www.rodmellpress.com
Bobby Clennell, B.K.S. Iyengar, Lindsey Clennell
Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute.

B.K.S. Iyengar, at 88 years
Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute.
Pune, India

Copyright©Jake Clennell 2007
©2008 – 2014 Bobby Clennell.